Anyways this is supposed to be a productive week. Supposedly. All the little things I've neglected over the past two months due to surgery, moves, Christmas, laziness and just plain not-having-time I'm trying to resolve this week. So here's a list of things I'm (supposed) to be doing:
What a boring vacation, eh? Ah well, it's been petty good so far (if busy) and I'm actually done many of the above. The gym thing hurts though.
Of course, there's Laura (aka Laroo) who has some very nice things to say about me. I'm blushing, babe!
It's been six weeks (not quite nine and half) and frankly I'm still smitten. Even after taking care of her during a week of a very, very nasty cold.
I could list all the little things like her laugh, her smile, her smarts, her love of all things Shakespeare but the big thing, the huge thing that has me hooked is pretty basic. She knows, I'm a geek, she accepts I'm a geek and she enjoys that I'm a geek. She may not understand the specifics of my geekhood, but she really gets that I enjoy them. No judgment, no rancour just acceptance. Me for me and all that. That, as those who know me, is a huge deal.
And speaking of smitten, everyone say "gratz" to KAJ and Big M who are tying the knot in March. About bloody time you two. I like these guys, I think they are registered at Best Buy. My kinda peoples. I promise to make a huge jack-ass of myself at the reception.