Saturday, October 27, 2007

Long-term Relationship

My first weekend without going to work (so far, it's only Saturday). Meaning of course that I've had time to do the things I've been putting off for a few weeks. I managed to actually submit my passport renewal, do a big grocery run and to top it off two new geek bits. The first (a surprise) was Terry Pratchett's Making Money. The second was picking up Cake's new album. I spun it in the car and even though it's mostly covers, it's all Cake.

I also dropped off my dry cleaning. My dry cleaner, to whom I have been giving my custom for four years plus, moved from a convenient location to me to way down south. But I've been going to tony (yes we're on a first name basis) for quite a while, despite having most of my work clothes stolen off of his premises. The crappy location is what prompted the move I think.

With the new place, his prices went up significantly, but he gave me a 30% discount (making it cheaper than before I might add) to what really was a great price considering the dry cleaner closest to me charges nine bucks a silk shirt.

I think this is the longest non-work related relationship I have right now. In a way, that's sad, but in another it's always great to go somewhere where they treat you better than a customer. Going to drop my laundry at Tony's is actually a bit of a treat when the rest of the world treats like a number, a source of income or just a plain nuisance.

Here's to Tony!

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