Monday, March 24, 2008

But It's My First Day...

First day at the new grind!

And not bad at all actually. Despite lacking a PC manufactured this century, I had the usual "Read this. And this. And some of these..." kind of day. The first day on the new job is always a bit awkward: you have no idea what you are doing, you don't have an access card so you need to knock on doors and look forlornly through the little window, you meet people whose names you instantly forget. Well, not Capa. He bought me two coffees today which I'm assuming is a bribe to keep quiet about previous jobs.

The only thing that I'm still unsure about is the commute. For the past four years I've been taking the heel-and-toe express and driving to work on a daily basis is still one of those things in the "Con" column. For instance, we had a sudden blizzard this morning, and on the way home, I crawled past two accidents and had to come to a sudden stop because the car driver in front of me decided to get out of his vehicle for no obvious reason. It's thirty minutes one way which means I need to get my ass out of bed thirty minutes earlier (or at least stop hitting the snooze button.

Not to mention the price of gas. Hooboy.

However the benefits of driving means I can do those little things I normally do after work right after work. Before I'd come home, make dinner, check email etc. then go do the running around or go to the gym. I can do that on the way home now so my whole evening isn't shot.

So for this week my evenings will be filled with BSG Season 3.

Geek out!

All in all I think it was a very good day.

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