Saturday, December 31, 2005

The Camera Broke

Yeppers, that's me. Ah well, so much for anonymity.

So I finally got the Season 2.0 (which makes me wonder about 2.1) of Battlestar Galactica.

Granted it wasn't until 8pm, so I've gone through the first disk. 2 disks and something like 6 hours to go!

Screw New Year's, I'm geeking out.

Oh and by the way, why didn't anyone tell me about Morgan Webb?!? I caught the show and bleh, but man. Hotness!

Yep that's me, single guy, 37 years old, likes computer games. Go figure.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Chrsitmas is Over! Shut Up!

Actually this will be a relatively bile-free post.
So that's it, the presents have been unwrapped, the nog has been nogged, the tinsle on the tree has lost it's sparkle (if not its edge) for another year.
So this year not much for phat lewt, as usual but I'm okay with that. I'd prefer the exchange of cards and small tokens over the soul-crushing need to find that perfect gift for that special someone and, in return, getting socks. So I got everybody socks or a reasonable facsimile. Maybe I am cheap. Too bad.
One really great thing was a chance encounter with some old friends of mine. After the usually 'how are you? you look great! / haven't changed a bit!' routine, numbers were exchanged. After the holidays, went over to their place for a few beers and to watch a PPV hockey game and catch up. So I am reforging those social links, even though the live 2 hours away :)
They're having a New Year's Eve party which I may go to.

So Merry Christmas, have a Happy New Year, let's all get together and drink lots of beer!

And do expect a rant/rave/rambling at about 2am Jan, 2006. 2006! The future is now!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

For a Depressing Time, Date Online

Oi gevalt.

Okay as part of being a singleton/singularity/singulation kinda dude, I started up my profile on good ol' Lavalife. And so far, it's a very depressing experience (again)

Profile: Or Try to Be Sexy in 500 Words or Less

Okay you always start by trying to do a fun, witty, charming, sexy essay on yourself and what you are looking for in a 'mate'. Despite my writing aspirations, I simply cannot write a cohesive paragraph about myself. Just can't. You try and make yourself sound funny (which I am) fun (which I can be for a specific subset of fun), intelligent (without proving the Pythagorean Theorem) and sexy (yeah, right).

Honesty = Chastity

I don't want to have kids. I'm really, really reluctant to go out with a women who has kids. At age 37, this now eliminates the dating pool by 90%. Add to that, I am actually honest and say I smoke on my profile. Not 'Prefer not to Say', not 'Trying to Quit', not 'Socially'. So there goes another 9%. I am making quitting my New Year's resolution because of this. Health be damned, I need a little sumthin'-sumthin'. I am not going through another 5-year drought.

Women My Age Don't Want Men My Age

Harsh but there ya go. Most women between 32 and 40 are looking for a guy 10 years their junior (at least according to the profiles I clicked on). While one part of me can see why this is happening, when I look at women's profiles 10 years my junior, they state very explicitly they want nothing to do with 35+ men. The other part of me thinks that mid-life crisis happen to both sexes.

Saying Hello is a Turn Off?

For those not in the know, most of these dating sites work by people buying credits (or similar). With these, you can email, message etc those you are interested in. So I bought the mid-size package. In 22 emails, I had one response. She was kind enough to send me a link to her site, which listed her rates; hourly, for an evening or for an 'all-nighter'.
Other than that, nada. No responses from emails (except one, see below). Not even a courteous 'no thanks' or even a 'fuck off creep!'.


Lavalife does have one free feature. You can send a 'smile' and one of a selection of notes (most of which I could not see myself saying to a live person). This is of course to show your interest, with hopes that they 'smile' back (with equally cheesy phrase) . Then you can spend your credits with confidence. One tactic is to shotgun them: send them out to anyone and everyone in hopes that a few hit the mark. I'm all for gun control. I try and be very specific and discerning with my smiles. No smiles back though.
Now I do understand that happens alot. What I don't understand is, alot of women say 'send a smile!' or 'write me!'. You do and nada. Again, I'm not indiscriminate or go just be the pictures: I read the profiles, compare compatibility and if its seems like it's a good enough match to start a conversation, I smile or send an email.

Now I did get a smile, out of the blue from a girl from out of town. We sent a couple of emails, but then she asked me about the whole not wanting kids thing. I was honest. Then she blocked me.

Do You Think He's Prettier Than Me?

So now I'm thinking I might not just be a congenial, kinda goofy-looking geek. I'm a monster, a hideous, illiterate, slavening, primal-urge-driven monstrosity. An Oh Henry! bar floating in the filter of the gene pool. So I did what any guy would do. I did a search on the guys. What's the competition like out there?

Dear god in Heaven.

The search comes up, it's like a buffet from a friggin' Firemen Beefcake Calendar! Muscled up, tan guys who can actually string a sentence or two together. No wonder nobody sends me an email back. The only smiles I get insist that the men show them a picture, but they don't bother to supply one (bug, big, bells go off at that). I'm friggin' doomed to an eternity of celibacy.

I'll have to see what those rates are, and if she takes credit cards...

Monday, December 19, 2005

It's Christmas! Shut up!

Okay. Yes. I know I said I'd start up the Rocket Surgeon site. I know I said I'd do stuff, but it's Christmas, the annual sinkhole of the Time/Money continuinuinuoum.
Okay that and I have discovered more wonderful wastes of time.
Board Game: Twilight Imperium. $100 and 3 hours just get the damn pieces outta the sprues. Joy! Rapture! Xacto-blade cuts! Conquering spaaaaaaace!
Okay dammit I like Space sci-fi. Lord of the Rings is wonderful and all but I need big frikken lasers to keep the geek mojo spinnin'. And George Lucas has not helped in this regard with Episodes I-III (Star Wars: I Ran Out of Ideas) , which is ironic 'cuz he started me on this path.

And it won't get better. Aside from going to Mom's place for Carbo-Load 2005, tomorrow (the 20th) is geek day: Serenity DVD and Battlestar Galactica season 2 DVD in stores. I'll be damn lucky to make it into work once I get my mitts on those sci-fi treats.

Monday, December 05, 2005

My Blog Is Down

So I'm attempting to republish

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Uh yeah

Hey all (okay, you two).
Again, I have been lax on updates here. But Project:Rocket Surgeon is underway, I just need to put some notes together. So far, I've done a preliminary object model based on the rules and abstracting the parent-objects out. Very rough at the moment, and will chnage quickly. I just need to organize my thought.

On other fronts, well still single (no shocker) but coming to grips with it. Not like I'm moping about or anything, but trying to perform damage control on friends whom I've lost contact with over the past three years. Kinda tough but doable.

So lessons learned:
  1. Don't abandon friendships because a s/o demands so much of your time
  2. Physical attraction is a must, follow the rules (which I have yet to publish)
  3. Common interests are a must. While people may have interests in common, it's more important that they have sensibilities in common.
  4. Don't date Daddy's Little Girl
  5. She has to make me laugh as well

Rules. Right.

Okay I came up with about 10 a while ago, based on previous relationships. Now I'm keeping some, tossing others, so in no particular order:

  • Face makes or breaks
  • Smile makes the face
  • Smarter makes me harder
  • Must have a career, not kinda maybe planning one someday, if she has to
  • Cannot be taking long-term medication for a mental disorder
  • Must like at least one of: sci-fi/fantasy, comics, games or misc geeky pursuits
  • Must have geek-like tendencies
  • No Daddy's Little Girls

And Homer's First Rule: No Fat Chicks! Fat means morbidly obese, I like curvy wimmins!

Hopefully Project Rocket Surgeon will go online tomorrow.

Oh yeah one more thing rocks my socks off. Having fun being a know-it-all, getting some good advice and fun place to be!