Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Chrsitmas is Over! Shut Up!

Actually this will be a relatively bile-free post.
So that's it, the presents have been unwrapped, the nog has been nogged, the tinsle on the tree has lost it's sparkle (if not its edge) for another year.
So this year not much for phat lewt, as usual but I'm okay with that. I'd prefer the exchange of cards and small tokens over the soul-crushing need to find that perfect gift for that special someone and, in return, getting socks. So I got everybody socks or a reasonable facsimile. Maybe I am cheap. Too bad.
One really great thing was a chance encounter with some old friends of mine. After the usually 'how are you? you look great! / haven't changed a bit!' routine, numbers were exchanged. After the holidays, went over to their place for a few beers and to watch a PPV hockey game and catch up. So I am reforging those social links, even though the live 2 hours away :)
They're having a New Year's Eve party which I may go to.

So Merry Christmas, have a Happy New Year, let's all get together and drink lots of beer!

And do expect a rant/rave/rambling at about 2am Jan, 2006. 2006! The future is now!

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