Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Got an email from Spike today after an eight months communication blackout. Which is weird because I was wondering what she was up to the other day when I was reviewing the blog.

I was actually pleasantly surprised. I think it has been about a year since we first met (or maybe off by a couple of weeks). Anyways, I'm wondering if she was doing a bit of a year-in-review herself. The note was brief, indicating that she had an interesting few months but "didn't want to bore you with the details".

Since I'm a nice guy I told her to bore away. Which kinda sounds like I'm encouraging her to make a career change to excavation or something now that I think about it. Anyways. I gave her the quick update (I've been working), asked her how the dogs are and that's about it. Should be interesting to see what she has to say but even more so, when she actually says it.

Would I see her again? It would depend on her of course. I still like Spike. She's one cool dudette. And with hindsight, I think we share a common personality quirk: too independent for our own good sometimes. That's about it really. Cautiously optimistic. Any kind of optimistic for me is progress.

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