Saturday, November 17, 2007

It's Been a While

Hey folks, just checking in.

The last few weeks has been, shall we say, a mite? tad? touch? busy with the much-afore mentioned death march. This is being written mere minutes before I go back to work for the final push. It is my sincere hope that this really is the last weekend I work for a while, but that's my fight (and I hope I actually can win).

In the meantime, November sees three paycheques for myself. As I'm on a bi-weekly schedule for that good ol' envelope, this happens two months of the year. So I spent it! Well most of it anyways. In a week a pick up a new 32" plasma 1080p TV. I got a pretty good deal for a pretty high-end slab o' radiation.

This, of course, will be the thin end of the wedge. With the TV, I'll need to get a DVD player that matches. L'il bro B found one that does a great job of cleaning up the signal for regular DVDs for 1080p TVs. Looks amazing. Granted it's not a big deal if most of your viewing pleasure consists of cartoons but what the heck.

Then there's the who "next-gen" console possibility. I've been trying to decide if I should get a PS3 or the X-box 360. Now that the PS3 price has fallen a bit they can actually be compared. In my view there's no clear winner yet (and believe me I tried to pick one). It's a simple case of not enough software for each. Last time I had to chose I went with a PS2 instead of the original X-box. Now I don't regret the choice (having replaced the PS2 recently) but at the time, it looked like the PS2 was going to be all about sport games: all the "cool kids" were exclusive to X-box. So I'll be holding off for now. Guitar Hero is just as fun on the last gen as it is on the next gen.

Besides, I want to get a Wacom tablet.....

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