Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Back to Back to Back

First off, I'd like to wish Capa good look with the re-thinking of Stray Lemming. While it didn't become what he had hoped/wanted it to be, his unusual and humorous viewpoint has always been a highlight of my Tube-surfing. If it turns out that you're retiring to take on other projects (and I know who have a lot of them) Ghu's speed to you and it has been a pleasure.

Now, back to what is, essentially, my diary. I have no qualms with that. Wit: maybe. Wisdom: long-shot. Whiny self-indulgence: you betcha! That's what blogs are for.

Last Saturday saw me with the busiest social calender I've seen in quite a while. It started off with attempting to have lunch with a couple of former co-workers (okay, friends, but I don't see them that often and we usually talk about work). My choice of venues left something to be desired as this city's restaurateurs think opening for lunch on a weekend is a major taboo or something. We finally wound up a surprising decent Vietnamese place. Good times, good food and and great catch-up on all events.

Now, I had intended to spend the late-afternoon/evening taking a nap. The reason for this will become obvious a bit later. However, Big M called me up to remind me that we had tickets to Theatre Calgary that evening. I had, naturally, totally forgot.

So we went to the play. Not bad over all. I'd say the actual script was a bit lacking (way too many eighties jokes followed by a "now let's get serious" ending) but the stage production values were amazing. There were only two on-stage characters, and both spent the single act ninety minute production suspended from large beams, manipulated by a crew in black (who actually did get some stage time, with hilarity ensuing). This allowed the actors to move in 3-dimensional space rather than just the 2D plane of the stage. Made for some very interesting mis-en-scene. One of the actors is actually a para pelagic and considering it was his first acting experience, he did a great job.

But afterwards I had to rush home for a ten minute costume change myself: I had tickets for a midnight showing of "Rocky Horror Picture Show". Mind you, I didn't go full costume for this one, just something more casual than my "theatre-patron" outfit.

Now this was my first post-work social gathering with the office crowd. While the showing was poor (about eighty bums in seats) for the movie (it takes a pack of drunken, horny lunatics to pull off a good Rocky Horror) I did have a good time seeing the folks I work with five days a week in a more relaxed setting. Well, you know what I mean.

And of course, I made a total ass of myself. I danced on-stage, whooped it up (when I could remember the lines) and acted like I was 22 again.

Let me say this: I am not 22 no more. Ow. Ah well, I still had fun.

I think, though, that the dancing (strong word. Let's say, spastic contortions) actually did something to my back. That came to the fore as I was doing flies at the gym last night. Something went "twang", everything went red and it suddenly felt like I had a crowbar shoved under my right shoulder blade.

Which is why I took the day off today. It started with me emailing work that there was no way I could make it into the office this morning. I iced, heated and Robaxicet-ed myself all morning but to no avail. So I took the rest of the day off, stayed off the computer (with mixed success) and now feel like I have a small screwdriver instead of crowbar under my spine.

Now, where's the vodka? The pills have worn off. Daddy needs his medicine.

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