Sunday, January 18, 2009

And in Other News....

A bit of follow-up on Spike:

She did eventually email me back. Apparently, giving her Fallout 3 for the X-Box 360 freaked her out a bit but me wanting to kiss her (and we had kissed before) freaked her out a lot. We're exchanging the occasional email, but that's as far as it goes. Didn't work out like I had wanted it to, but few things do.

And now, back to gaming:

World of Goo has me hooked. Available on Steam for $20, it's a physics puzzler with some amazing gameplay. A great source of fun! Proof positive that taking a simple concept, wrapping in some creativity in the presentation and viola! you have a great game! Or a musical instrument, I can never remember which.

Speaking of Fallout 3, I'm waiting anxiously for the new downloadable content on Jan 27th. I may get sidetracked by other things (see last post) but if nothing else, I'm easily distracted.

So much so that I went and got Lord of the Rings Online. Yeah, yeah, another MMO after I said I swore off them but I was bored. Okay so far but I can see myself canceling after the free month is done. It's really just more of the same.

Oh! And this looks cool.

And that's about it really. A lame update, but just so everyone knows my so-called life still goes on.

Update: Wow, that didn't take long. Just uninstalled LOTRO after about 6 hours play. That's beats the record set by EVE Online...

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