Tuesday, February 21, 2006

More Gym Experiences


Did I hit an 'easy on the eyes' threshold or something in the past couple of days?

Get this. Went to the gym today after work (okay after dinner). And, good lord in heaven, it was hottie central. I think they've been recruiting.

Again, I'm on the bike reading my book. A very cute, very tall girl asks me if she has to sign up to use a bike. I tell her no, it's a free for all and she then says 'Great!', sits on the bike beside me and starts asking me about how long I've been there, how busy it gets etc. We then continue to say 'Hi' to each other as we cross paths during the non-cardio workout stuff.

Then while taking a break between sets on the bench, a girl looks straight at me and tells me she loves my T-shirt (the one that says Every time you download music off the Internet, God kills a kitten) and asks what I think of hers.

It said something, can't quite recall what, I got distracted. Again, smile and 'Hi' the rest of the night.

I'm not reading anything into this except that they were being friendly. Just understand this never, ever, ever happens to me!

I am really looking forward to the party on Friday. And going to the gym every waking hour of every day for the rest of my life.

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