Saturday, February 18, 2006

When the hell did Saturday Suck?

Yikes. Okay here's the sitch.

Went to gym today, as I usually do on a Saturday afternoon before I get groceries (yes I am a man of routine). While on the bike, I was, as I always do, reading a book. In this case, I was finishing up A Long Way Down by by Nick Hornby.

Much to my great surprise, the girl beside me asked about the book. I told her it was okay, but I though Hornby's last few books haven't been his best. She told me she agreed, then we started chatting about other authors (Irving Welsh, Chuck Palahniuk etc).

Then she asked me out for coffee.


So anyway, we arrange to meet at a place we both knew at 7 tonight!

Man I hate being stood up... Even cancelled poker for that. Didn't get a phone number (and didn't give her mine).

Java For Gaming? Maybe in 1990

So I've been perusing Killer Game Programming In Java. It looks like a great course for learning game programming (they cover alot of stuff and how you actually design and code it) but when I look at screen shots for 3D rendering... well it seems a tad archaic.

So looking at some "3D" games on the web written in Java, I have to conclude that game programming won't get further than mobile phones unless they do some serious stuff with 3D. So I'm not sure how to proceed with Rocket Surgeon. Maybe I'll work up the model first and see which way to adapt (Java or C#). Have to learn both anyways.

1 comment:

Dykmoby said...

No word yet, went Sunday and no sign. And today it was closed.
Come to think of it, I don't think I've seen her there before. Maybe she was just a drop in and won't be coming back...