Wednesday, February 14, 2007


First off, Happy V-day to everyone! And a very special V-Day (although we will be celebrating on the weekend) to my Laroo who said some very nice things about me and who needs a hug. So I drove through a blizzard (okay a lot of ice fog) lousy roads and the Driver Stupidex at "Danger! Danger Will Robinson!" levels to give her lots of them.

I'm such a good boyfriend.

One of the things we have in common is the whole competency thing. And the very low threshold for allowing people to do a lousy job. With the big production she's doing at work, it's getting her down, so all of you go wish her well just because she makes me happy. Happier. Okay, less full of hate. And that's a miracle in itself!

Love ya, Laroo!

So in job hunting news: I've had some time for the Hate-o-meter to settle down and stabilize a bit. It's still pretty high up on that there chart and the urge to quit (I just backspaced over "urge to kill") is still daily.

But I'm not going to just up and quit without having a new job. I've spent seven years getting this cash together and dammit I'm going to enjoy it!

So I've been putting the booster on the job hunt engine. I've applied for a couple jobs at specific places I want to work and a couple generic resumes at contracting companies.

And I got a request to apply for a position in the ol' email-o-tron today. Looks interesting actually: small company looking to grow. Been there done that, will ing to take the salary they are quoting to do it again (woohoo!).

Now go get sick on chocolate, you crazy kids

1 comment:

yoohoolaroo said...

I mean every word of it!
Love and Hugs from Chuck and Laroo