Monday, May 07, 2007

I Quit! (Declarative, not Imperative)

Yup. For those who don't know (and I think most do) I quit my job last week. Two weeks notice. Four days until I'm unemployed and painting up the "Will Code for Food" sign.


The reasons (or at least some of them) should be obvious considering my last few posts. But it's all summed up with a simple "Time to Go!". For personal, career and plain selfish reason, it's time to move on after eight years of... well some of it actually has been good. But it's been a while.

In the meantime, I've backed away from Starting Write Now. I'm hoping that it will be a short hiatus. All signs point to "okay" as even the act of putting in my resignation (very professional, not delivered with a pointy thing as some believed I would) has been a relief. I've started thinking about writing again, which I haven't done in months.

So I'll at least have some time off. I actually have a couple of interviews set up (it's amazing how word gets around in this burg) but I'm not in a huge rush to sit my ever-widening ass in a cubicle (actually that reminds me, back to the gym). But there are a few choice places I would not mind blessing with my presence. But it will be summer soon and Laroo has the summers off...

I'm guessing I'll be updating this as well (as I embark in my new career). Of course with every new job there's a whole set of knowledge to cram into the cranium in a very short period of time. I haven't done that in a while, not sue if there's actually any room in there....

So, that's it for now (in more ways than one). Like I said, there will be updates here.

Oh yeah, and I love Laroo. Still. More, even. She's the one who's been keeping me relatively sane(-ish) these past few months. But most of all she reminded me that I'm better than I usually think I am (computer geeks almost universally suffer from some form of self-esteem issues). She actually gave me the courage to quit. When she says everything will be alright, it's believable.

She is my sunshine!

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