Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Long Weekend Exceeded

Well it is now Wednesday, which mean I have been unemployed for more than a long weekend. It really hasn't struck me with full force yet. I'm not quite sure when that will happen. There are some financial things to take care of (I got my holiday paid out).

I haven't done much of anything really except for some very light housework and some very heavy laundry. I didn't want to put together a huge list of things to do as I have plenty of time: mostly I'm kind of bored. Right now I'm sipping good coffee (the stuff they had at the office was consistently atrocious) reading books and email and playing with Guitar Hero.

I applied for a couple of jobs yesterday, but purely out of requirement. I haven't seen anything that really piques my interest as of yet beyond "We need code monkey! You code monkey?" but there's time for now. I'm won't be terribly worried until July begins, as summer is a horrible time to look for work.

So yeah, just hanging.

This week is just about decompression anyways. I'll tackle the big questions next week. For now, I'll catch up on my reading, get my bike tuned up, do some songs on "Medium" (gotta get that new guitar) and just chill in the warm spring sunshine.

Gotta love it.

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