Friday, November 28, 2008


Well quickie update. Two, no, three things:

1) Yup, I was right. I got the "I need to sort out my life right now" shtick from Spike. It was quickly followed up by the classic "Let's just be friends". Oi. Well, it was for "right now and see how it goes". I'm okay with that but of course, any length of time spent in the Friendzone means languishing there for eternity. Yeah, yeah, I know. She does have quite a bit going on on so, yes, I totally understand. Doesn't mean I need to be thrilled. We'll see how it goes. Besides, I still like her like her and I think she feels the same way but just can't cope with starting a new relationship right now. And the winner of the "Wishful Thinking" award goes to ...

2) We got our bonus cheques last night so I ran out and got myself an iPhone! And it stopped working after only three hours! I got it back into shape: apparently the touch screen, well, doesn't respond to touch sometimes. Ah well, having fun so far.

3) I woke up yesterday with a mondo head-cold. That meant I had to cancel my SCUBA training for the weekend. Looks like I'll have to do it next year. Poopies.

Actually, points 1 and 2 bear a striking similarity...


Anonymous said...

Dood.... you update your site less than I do?

How am I going to keep up with you if you don't tell me on this site? Gawd... I might have to resort to email or phones or something...

Dykmoby said...

I know. Was going to update today but being on-call has screwed that up royally.