Thursday, March 23, 2006

Breaking Things

Okay, been invited to go skiing this weekend. Haven't done it yet this season, only went twice last season.

Looks like I get to find out exactly how well my leg workouts are going.

This may hurt....

Also made final arrangements for the family reunion this July. Should be fun, haven't seen some of my cousins in decades! Of course it means I'll have to put up with the three crazy aunts with the inevitable "Why Aren't you married? I know someone who would be perfect for you!". Mind you, both my brothers (who are also single) will be there, so at least it will get diluted a bit.

And I went to bed early last night (the previous night I couldn't get my brain to shut up until 3am). Considering making that a habit. Must be getting old.

Work is getting odd. With three people on vacation (one for the month of April) for the next while, I've had to tick off a couple of project managers to tell them I simply do not have the time to lead up another couple of projects for the next few weeks. Not that I mind doing that, but it can cause friction in the workplace (and the associated friction burns).

Well, got to go do a leg workout....

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