Sunday, March 05, 2006

It's All About Pacing, Baby!

Sunday morning. Nothing like a Sunday morning to drink a pot of coffee.

So yesterday, went to the gym, ate at Burger King (which I do once in a while, then regret it), washed some clothes, cleaned the carpeted half of my place, and played GalCiv2 for a bit.

I also started watching the Firefly series again. Man I love that show.

Ran into a guy at the gym who did time in Fort McMurray (you do time there, there's no other way to express it) when I was there. Kinda weird in that I keep running into people from my sordid past these past couple of months. See what happens when you break up with a girl who books your social calender solid?

Hmmm, maybe I should explain about the cleaning routine. You see, my apartment is basically in two halves: the living room and bedroom is the 'carpeted half' and the kitchen, bathroom and hallway is the 'linoleum half'. Over a weekend I'll do one half per day. The carpeted half tends to get messy: books (okay, mostly comic books) various doodads I've collected since the last cleaning etc need to be collected and put somewhere. And this weekend I officially ran out of space on my bookshelves. So I need to buy another bookshelf. And find a place to put it.

Now the 'linoleum half' is just a pain in the keister. Without a dishwasher, I just do dishes once a week (not like I cook or anything, just coffee mugs, the occasional bowl and maybe a plate or two). And of course there's the mopping. It's not like I leave everything until it starts to evolve new lifeforms (er, maybe once in a while) but I just find cleaning such a chore. Which is probably why it's called a chore. I hate chores.

So that brings up today's plan. Try and resist the urge to start up GalCiv, maybe watch another episode of Firefly, clean the bathroom, then get it dirty again, head to the gym, pay for those tickets, drop off the dry cleaning, do the dishes, clean the kitchen, mop and maybe do my taxes. Exciting, no?

Yup, I'm a swingin' bachelor.....

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