Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Today I am going to talk about my job. Not work i.e. the place I go to everyday but my actual career.

I'm a computer programmer. My 'specialty' (in sofar I have one) is database and database integration. So basically storing information and getting it out correctly.

Today I went to a Sun Java Developers' Conference. Now I don't have a lot of experience with Java, but it is featuring pretty big in the future at work, which is why I went.

Now I don't have enough experience in either Java or C# so I can't make a side-by-side comparison. But what I can comment on are the huge cultural differences.

It strikes my very hard that Java is built by developers for developers. It's pretty much open-source (along with the plethora of tools available for it) which means that it gets alot of review by people who will actually use it. From what I know and see, it's not a silver bullet by any means, it has had it's past face-plants (anyone remember the "Java Appliances" of the mid-90s?) and still has a bad rep of being slow and clunky to deploy.

Microsoft on the other hand is very, very closed on how it actually implements its development languages and tools. Whenever I've met with a Microsoft rep, the sales pitch is "It's Easy!", which never really turns out to be the case. Granted, .NET has made leaps and strides with it's new IDE, but the impression from my fellow geeks (and me) is that it's finally doing what was promised 10 years ago.

Add to that, MS has its "stars": Bill Gates, Steve Balmer etc. The Java community, not so much. It's a "we're all in this together!" mentality. Add to that, Java "culture" has it's jokes (granted, very geeky) and sense of humour. Microsoft on the other hand is very straight-faced (at least publicly). And the approach seems to be "Don't worry, we know what's best for you, we're Microsoft!".

Now add to that the second delay to Vista. Rumour has it that they need to re-write up to 60% of their code: the part they wrote in .NET. And there's alot of anonymous criticism from (supposed) MS developers and testers, rumours of major management purges etc. Kind of reminds me of IBM 15 years ago or so.

But as a programmer, the biggest difference is the way they approach technology. Java is still pretty much Java. Sure, it's changed a bit but the basics are the same. All the tools work off the core Java with no problems (okay some problems as I found out today). MS on the other hand has the notion that everyone on the planet should replace all of their software every five years; the operating system, the user applications (Office, etc) and their programming languages. If you don't, you don't get the benefits. And the backlash is starting I think.

I will never be a fanboy (okay, never a ravening, crusading fanatic). The right tool for the right job. But I think MS's strategy is backfiring in the name of trying to keep a monopoly.

What did Princess Leia say? "The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers ..."

Rocket Surgeon

So a couple of things hit me today.

1) I should go back to learning to write games in Java. Apparently the market is huge.
2) I should not base it on Rocketmen!. I do have an idea or two for a space-battle game that have been knocking around notebooks for years and with the stuff I saw today, would be very easy to write.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Where Did My Chin Go?


What the hell? I know I had a chin somewhere...

I should probably comment on the facial hair. I started the sideburns (or as some rakes would put it, "thigh-ticklers") a couple of months back.

The soul-patch is about a month old now, still needs some cultivation.

This is what happens when you break up withsome who absolutely hates facial hair.

No gym today. I felt fine yesterday, but today, well lets just say I won't be doing any sitting tonight. Ow.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

The Hat

Or rather, The Hat.

Let us begin at the beginning. For in this case there is a beginning. Cast your eye to 21 years ago. Look at the fashions, listen to the music and cringe. Sorry. But is is 1985.

Now this was my Junior year at high school. I was in band. Not in a band, but the school band. And every year, the school band goes on a trip, playing at schools around, well Saskatchewan.

This year was different though, We did a tour through North and South Dakota. Big time! Now the usual routine was that we would bus to the school we were playing at the night before, make camp in the gymnasium and play the next day. So natually, when you get 100+ high school students with minimal adult supervision, they run amok.

Now while amok-ing at one school, we discovered they had a fairly well-provisioned drama class. That meant costumes galore. We broke into (okay, we were teenagers) the costume room and rampaged, trying on stuff, etc. And that's when I found The Hat.

It was a felt top-hat, in pretty good condition. I don't know why, but I took it. Mr clean-cut goody goody two-shoes stole something. Hard to believe.

So through the years, the hat became my party hat. Every New Year's Eve party, any social gathering of any significance, the hat would come with me. I even wear it skiing, weather permitting.

Which brings us to yesterday.

After 21 year of wear and tear, it's pretty shapeless (although recognizably a top hat). It's dusty, has stray fur, hair (some from my head), makeup (from halloween costumes) ingrained in the fabric.

But I still wear it skiing.

And I always get comments. Sometimes sarcastic shouts of "nice hat!" but mostly genuine comments of "nice hat!" or "I like your hat". And some of these are from cute women.

So yeah, I wear the hat, I get noticed. At 6'2", wearing a 8" tall hat does this. It goes where I go and I always make an impression, for good or bad, wherever I go.

It's probably the one thing I own that actually has sentimental value.

I love my hat. And if you get that, you get me.

I'm guessing that not alot of people get that.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Pass the Advil

Skiing, was blast!

I'm always nervous the first time out, and quickly decide to only go green runs. But as usually, those I went with were a tad more experienced so I hit blues to keep up. They were a great bunch (and I met half of them for the first time this morning). Hopefully get one more in before the snow melts completely.

And as usual by the end of the day I was 1000% times improved. Why do I always start three weeks before the end of the season?

Anyway, I am going to be a very sore puppy tomorrow.

Soooo tomorrow I will tell you about my hat. The Hat. Yes it deserves the bolds. But right now I'm sore, tired, hungry, thirsty and sore. More tomrrow.

Friday, March 24, 2006


Random Thought

My ex used to complain that I was always doing laundry. My typical response was that's because I'm always wearing clothes.

So doing laundry tonight, I'm thinking I need to move to a place that requires less clothing. Cuz wearing less clothes here just ain't gonna fly...


Thursday, March 23, 2006

Breaking Things

Okay, been invited to go skiing this weekend. Haven't done it yet this season, only went twice last season.

Looks like I get to find out exactly how well my leg workouts are going.

This may hurt....

Also made final arrangements for the family reunion this July. Should be fun, haven't seen some of my cousins in decades! Of course it means I'll have to put up with the three crazy aunts with the inevitable "Why Aren't you married? I know someone who would be perfect for you!". Mind you, both my brothers (who are also single) will be there, so at least it will get diluted a bit.

And I went to bed early last night (the previous night I couldn't get my brain to shut up until 3am). Considering making that a habit. Must be getting old.

Work is getting odd. With three people on vacation (one for the month of April) for the next while, I've had to tick off a couple of project managers to tell them I simply do not have the time to lead up another couple of projects for the next few weeks. Not that I mind doing that, but it can cause friction in the workplace (and the associated friction burns).

Well, got to go do a leg workout....

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

My Name is Legion

So after the other day's "Conversation" post, I thought about who exactly was talking. In it, it's all "Me, Me, Me" (some of my friends may be used to this by now).

So I'm no psych major or anything (I have enough undergrad degrees thanks) but know about things like Ego, Id and Superego etc. But I think I've been able to identify five distinct voices in my head. I've given them names.

DaVinci, the creator. He's the one who comes up with the hair brained schemes, the novels never written, the projects never completed. Not the loudest voice in the bunch, but the most easily distracted. And the one usually that keeps the others up to 2 AM coming up with universes, stand-up routines, delusions of grandeur etc.

Ludd, the appetite. Again, not loud, but certainly persistant. Speaks only in nouns. Has a well-developed appreciation for technology. Generally good-natured, except when it comes to smoking, then he can get very, very insistent.

Hal, the logical. Always thinking, always positing scenarios. And also the critic, he he always yammering advice to everyone. Can be a bit mean.

Cromwell, the taskmaster. A classic Superego. He takes on all the responsibilites. Used to be the leader of the pack, but has been subsumed over the past decade or so after some bad decisions. Always strives to 'do good', but can be shouted down quite easily depending on the situation.

Zen the mystic. Almost mute until a few years ago, he's the one that "goes with the flow" and brings calm to the rest. Can take it too far at times, turning into a slacker rather than a serene being.

Of course the interplay of these personalities is always interesting.

Zen and Cromwell are always at odds, but can manage trade-offs (with Hal negotiating). Zen's ascendency is directly attributable to Cromwell's loss of total control.

Hal is pretty much the boss at work (with Cromwell making sure he keeps on track), although DaVinci is often called in when straight-forward reasoning doesn't work. The three can do amazing things working in concert, but this is usually short-lived as DaVinci gets side-stepped by potentials, drags Hal along for analysis capabilities, and leaves Cromwell seething. Then Ludd pipes up and demands nicotine.

DaVinci and Hal get along well, often too well. They come up with some great ideas with some good thought to execution, but often get blindsided by Zen (or sometimes Ludd).

Ludd is a nice guy, always willing to pipe up, but is very easily distracted. However he can totally spaz and nobody gets any work done until they shut him up. While the urge to play games etc usually comes from him (and most can agree, although Cromwell is known to get annoyed) actually obtaining new distractions goes through the whole committee.

The one thing that all can (usually) agree on is the gym. Cromwell thinks it's a great way to stay in shape, Hal likes the 30 minutes spent on the bike reading, DaVinci pretty much takes over cognative functions during weight training, Zen thinks it's a great way to meditate and Ludd gets to look at... well you get the idea.

Anything else though, there's never a consensus.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Internal Dialogue

Nothing to report, but here's a mere sampling at what goes through my mind.....

Me: Okay, work is done, I'm on my way home, what's the plan for the evening?
Me: Food.
Me: Well, yeah obviously...
Me: Sushi!
Me: No, no sushi, I ate out twice already this weekend.
Me: Noodles!
Me: No! I said we're eating in tonight!
Me: But we don't have anything to eat in the house!
Me: I went shopping yesterday, there should be...
Me: What? All you bought was tea
Me: No I got other stuff...
Me: Yeah. Carrots.
Me: Not rice again?!?
Me: What's wrong with rice.
Me: Nothing, just boring that's all.
Me: No it's not, I have lots of sauces and stuff...
Me: Had. You ran out remember...
Me: .. and forgot to buy more yesterday.
Me: Pizza!
Me: No! No pizza! No noodles! No sushi! Just rice!
Me: Awwww!
Me: Too late, already on the stove. So, what's the plan after supper.
Me: Dishes.
Me: Ew.
Me: Well you were supposed to do them on the
weekend. What did you do instead?
Me: Er, shopping?
Me: And then?
Me: Ummm....
Me: You know what you did. Unreal....
Me: Okay, I played Unreal Tournament 2004...
Me: And lost...
Me: Yes. I lost. Because somebody doesn't know how to lead a target...
Me: We could go to the gym!
Me: We went Saturday and Sunday. Two days on, one day off. Today is the day off.
Me: But it's Monday!
Me: ... hottie day!
Me: Yeah But I'm still sore from...
Me: Wah, wah, wah. You never have a good workout Mondays because all the stations are full but that's not the point. Remember Red Sonja?
Me: Oooo.
Me: Yeah.
Me: Jeez, what's the point? Not like you ever would do anything about it.
Me: What do you mean?
Me: Remember a couple of weeks ago? Two cute girls? They actually talked to you?
Me: Yeah, so. I haven't seen them since.
Me: That's the bloody point! You didn't follow up at all. An open, no, two open invitations to make converstion. And what do you do?
Me: Now that's just....
Me: You just work on your chest and back. Real ladykiller you are. A player's player....
Me: Potstickers!
Me: Shut Up!
Me: So if we don't go to the gym, what do we do?
Me: The dishes?
Me: Besides that!
Me: Unreal Tourn...
Me: No.
Me: Galactic Civi...
Me: No.
Me: Chicken Balls!
Me: No!
Me: Ummmm...
Me: Hmmm....
Me: Porn?
Me: No!
Me: Leia's Metal Bik...
Me: No! Shutupshutupshutup!
Me: What then?
Me: *sigh* the gym I guess...
Me: Yay!
Me: Boo!
Me: Rice is ready!
Me: Groan!!!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

So Yeah, I'm Surfing

Oh my, three links posted today. That's not a record but a very good indication of how productive my day has been.

Surfing counts as church right?

Er, okay publishing seems to be screwed up again.

This Just In...

Alright I'm a geek, I find this disturbing yet somehow...well you get the idea. Not safe for work (although it does depend on where you work.
Leia's Metal Bikini

Okay, chicks who cos-play rock.

Juicy enough for ya H?

Good News Everyone!

Looks like Futurama is being revived (and not in the year 3000). Billy West is the voice of fry and his blog/BB says it all....
Second Posting Down

Of course, ths is because The Lemming bought another boxed set last week!


Hehe, an oldie but a goodie for those who haven't seen it.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

V for Vindicated

Alright, last night went for a few brews (sans green food colouring) with the boys, then went to see V for Vendetta. Pretty good movie if a little disjointed (and a hollywood ending).

But sure enough, had a whole row of young whipper-snappers yapping through the entire movie, despite the fact that three patrons (including myself) told them to shut the hell up.

Hmmm, maybe if the theatre issued a one-shot taser to one in every ten patrons, things would be quieter (after the initial series of zzzzzzzzap! Yeow! ).

Another dull day today. Gym, and, well that's pretty much it. May have to go to Best Buy and drool over toys.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

I Need a Beach

Man, I need a beach. Not just a vacation (which ain't happeneing until July) but a place to sun, swim, eat and be merry.

Looking through old vacation photos ain't no help neither.

Winter blues. This is actually the upswing where I'n no longer near-suicidal, but still somewhat blue. And bored more than anything.

Hmmm, tomorrow is Green Beer day. Ah yes alcohol! To quote a wise sage, the source and solution to all of life's problems.

Ah well, off to the gym. Oh wait!

New girl at the gym, who for very obvious reasons I have dubbed Red Sonja. Firey red hair, body builder body without being too hard and, well, let's just say a chainmail bikini would look very fetching. Doesn't hurt she wears a sports bra and tights/shorts. Grrrrrowwwwrrrrr!

Hell's Donkeys, I need a girlfriend...

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Movies, Pirates and Pirate Movies

So let's see, the movie moguls and the **AA types are screaming that theatre revenue is down from 5% to 9% (depending who does the reporting) over last year. And they are, of course, blaming piracy.

Now I love going to the movie theatre to see a movie. A good movie. A few months ago, I managed to get 20 $5 movie theatre passes because I spent at least that much a year on the theatre.

Haven't used any of them yet. No reason to. No movies I would be willing to spend the cash (or coupons) on.

And why should I? Over the past few years, the movie mills have been slavering at the teat of new technologies: DVD, Pay-Per-View, Video on Demand. So instead of either a) seeing it in the theatre or b) hoping, after a year at least, that it will be released on VHS, I have a plethora of mediums to choose from. So going from most expensive to least expensive (but also from release date on) here are my options:

1) Full price, first run theatre
2) Second Run theatre
3) Purchase the DVD
4) Rental
5) Video on Demand
6) Pay per view
7) Premium Cable movie channel
8) And (maybe) on regular broadcast TV

So why, if I don't want to go to a specific theatre at a specific time and pay $13 plus snacks (making it $25 for one person) should I feel guilty for not going? I have plenty of options. And working in the business (okay the distribution end) I know for a fact that the movie companies get their cut for rentals, PPV, VOD etc. And they are very aggressive at getting the movies on your television.

But the most significant reason I simply don't go to the theatre is the audience. The morons who chat like they are in their living rooms. The cell phone talkers. The idiots who ask what's going on to all and sundry. Because they are easily confused by today's intricate plots, subtle characterization and unpredictible story lines.

So with the frustrations of the theatre, the easy and cheaper access to several media to see it after release, not to mention there just isn't anything worth seeing lately, why should I go to a theatre?

And I don't download movies. Not much point really. The risk is too high that there's something malicious hiddin in there somewhere. Or it's corrupt, or it's of very crappy quality. Or I may get sued.

Yes, that is a deterrent for me. I have really, really bad luck when it comes to stuff like this (remeber, two tickets in 2 hours?). Hell, I'd get sued for downloading an old episode of Gilligan's Island, forget about a full length feature film.

So here's my recommendations:

1) Chop theatre ticket prices by one third. And the snack bar prices by half. Then people may be willing to show up. And I could tolerate the twenty minutes of commercials.
2) Actually enforce some of things we took for granted in the theatre (being quiet, turn off your phones etc). I am more than willing to script and animate some very biting commercials for this. when was the last time you saw an usher in a theatre?
3) Stop making tired old crap. Indie films are getting more and more attention the past few years. Take a little risk and fund some of these folks.
4) There is nobody on the planet who is worth $10,000,000 for twelve week's work. You can reduce the cost of production by using cheaper actors, who will do just as well as the 'A-list' celebs.
5) Release movies over the course of the year. The summer blockbuster is dead. Why do studios insist on fighting for the consumer dollar twice a year when they can release something good in the spring? Moronic.
6) Reduce DVD prices by a couple of bucks. Really, it costs pennies to produce one. Get it into the price range of an impulse buy rather than a day's wages.
7) And for that matter, drop the price of those DVDs that are considered 'small yield'. $50 for 'The Seven Samurai' is insane. There are alot of films I would love to get on DVD but just can't justify spending the money (and I seriously consider downloading them).

Times are changing folks. Change or die. And if you think it's bad now, wait a couple of years. Imagine a market where the competition isn't the other big studios, but the small group of individuals who put together a full length feature film in their garages, basements and backyards and sell it for $2 a pop online. SFX? No problem, I could cook up some myself. Editing? Hey digital editing suites are coming included on most operating systems today. Actiing? Hells, I've seen better on stage at my local playhouse (and in the office for that matter). As for scripting, well, writers are a dime a dozen nowadays....

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

So Ya Want Juicy, Huh?

How does this grab ya?

Er, it was a photo of me. Real sexy. Dammit, musta broke Blogger again....

Monday, March 13, 2006

Fricken' Cold

Argh. I can't shake this damned thing.

I'm fine for a day. Then I'm sick for a day. Then I'm okay again until I try to do something, and my stomach grinds itself into knots. Damn and blast.

But for the first time in months, whn I woke up the sun was actually above the horizon at a decent degree. Which is always a bonus. And it also means 'Spring Forward' is coming, and it takes me a couple of weeks to adjust again.

It's Monday, which means it's eye-candy day at the gym. Yay! But it's also an abs and legs day. Boo! It's the most boring of my workouts and produces the least results. Damn flab.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Spore, Hangover and Coffee

First and foremost, I get accused of being a geek-enabler. Video, games, movies, books etc, I loan them out, a knowing, evil smile on my face as I know have made a healthy, creative and vibrant person waste a colossal amount of time on geeky pursuits.

But sometimes it works the other way. The Lemming sent me this.

Oh. My. Gods.

Now if I had a rating system for games I haven't played and haven't been released, it would be, from lowest to highest:

Never, ever will this hit my hard drive.
I may play it if the CD comes embedded in a box of Cheerios.
I'd play it if someone gave it to me.
I may pick it up when it hits the bargain bin.
I'd be willing to pay full price for it after it's released.
Heck I'll pick it up the day of release.
Wow, I'm pre-ordering that!

And now a new category: Holy Crap, I will kill, maim and torture to get my hands on a buggy alpha release of this!

And I'm hung-over today. Bar after work, a hockey game and then a bar after the game. Eeesh. Not much of note actually happened, but what the heck, a night out with a two-day hangover never hurt anyone.

Coffee. Coffee is key....

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Ill but not Bad

So I'm getting another cold. Yesterday was hell, as you feel it creeping up on you, your nose getting more and more 'liquid', your intestines clench etc.

So I went home, sucked back a liter of juice, a couple of Vitamin C tablets, a pot of Echinacia tea and went to bed at 8:30.

So I'm stuffed up this morning but over-all feel okay. Work will fix that though.

No, not very interesting, but sometimes I forget just how much a good night's sleep makes you feel. Obviously, I didn't even start playing GalCiv2.

Hmmm.... half an hour before I need to go to work.... maybe a couple of turns....

Monday, March 06, 2006


Actually I just went over it again and am getting a $311 refund.

Never mind.

Death Carries a Calculator

So guess who just did their taxes?

There's Death, there's Taxes, and there's also Death by Taxes. I owe a grand. Which ain't bad after the first crack at it had me owing over $2500.

Yes there's no time like Tax Time (cue cheesy 50s instructional film music). The smile and far-away look in the eye as Joe Taxpayer contemplates what he'll do with that fat refund check. Maybe he'll buy that boat he's been eyeing! Or that glitzy new American Made automobile! Why, he'll be the envy of his neighbors! And just imaging Bob's expression when Joe pulls into work in that fine automobile. Of course Mrs. Taxpayer may have a little surprise herself! Good thing that tax return can pay for that new crib! Congratulations Joe, and Joe Jr.! (show film flickering, the sound warbling and the lighting burning a hole through the celluloid.)

So after that wonderul bit of news, I tried to figure out how much more in RRSP contributions I needed to make to break even. Turns out I would have to double my contributions. Who needs to pay rent? Maybe I can carjack Joe Taxpayer and live in his Caddy.

As for RRSP contributions, I don't buy it. Sure, it takes off a little bit of tax, but they ding ya later, for more if you get a decent return on investment. They get ya comin' and goin'. Not to mention that RRSPs are a bit of a gamble. There's no guarantee of any kind of returns, and all that needs to happen is another bubble 'n' burst in the next thirty years to bring any of those 'investments' to rock bottom. And I'm no good at investing. I'm the kind of guy who puts a buck in the change machine and gets back three quarters. So I'll just spend it now, and hope my kids will supp...

Uh oh.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

It's All About Pacing, Baby!

Sunday morning. Nothing like a Sunday morning to drink a pot of coffee.

So yesterday, went to the gym, ate at Burger King (which I do once in a while, then regret it), washed some clothes, cleaned the carpeted half of my place, and played GalCiv2 for a bit.

I also started watching the Firefly series again. Man I love that show.

Ran into a guy at the gym who did time in Fort McMurray (you do time there, there's no other way to express it) when I was there. Kinda weird in that I keep running into people from my sordid past these past couple of months. See what happens when you break up with a girl who books your social calender solid?

Hmmm, maybe I should explain about the cleaning routine. You see, my apartment is basically in two halves: the living room and bedroom is the 'carpeted half' and the kitchen, bathroom and hallway is the 'linoleum half'. Over a weekend I'll do one half per day. The carpeted half tends to get messy: books (okay, mostly comic books) various doodads I've collected since the last cleaning etc need to be collected and put somewhere. And this weekend I officially ran out of space on my bookshelves. So I need to buy another bookshelf. And find a place to put it.

Now the 'linoleum half' is just a pain in the keister. Without a dishwasher, I just do dishes once a week (not like I cook or anything, just coffee mugs, the occasional bowl and maybe a plate or two). And of course there's the mopping. It's not like I leave everything until it starts to evolve new lifeforms (er, maybe once in a while) but I just find cleaning such a chore. Which is probably why it's called a chore. I hate chores.

So that brings up today's plan. Try and resist the urge to start up GalCiv, maybe watch another episode of Firefly, clean the bathroom, then get it dirty again, head to the gym, pay for those tickets, drop off the dry cleaning, do the dishes, clean the kitchen, mop and maybe do my taxes. Exciting, no?

Yup, I'm a swingin' bachelor.....

Saturday, March 04, 2006

As Promised!

Linko! to a photo gallery from the party last week. Minus the traffic tickets.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Fuel Status Marginal

Okay I've had no energy this past week. Granted my gaming habits may have something to do with it, but I've been walking around in a light pink fog all week, even when I got to bed on time. Maybe I had a nervous breakdown and didn't realize it?

Looks like a chores weekend. Cleaning, laundry, taxes (ugh), dry cleaning and paying the bills. Fun stuff, I know. So those of you who live vicariously through me (you know who you are) may want to take the weekend off.

Gym can wait until tomorrow though.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

GalCiv2: AKA Software Insomnia

Okay, I'm writing a review of Galactic Civilizations 2: The Dread Lords because I'm to go to a play tonight. Understand that for the past week, I've been coming home from work, putting a Pizza Pop in the microwave and starting the game. Next thing I know, it's way past my bedtime, the Pizza Pop has congealed in the nuker and I still can't hit the 'Quit' button.

And if I do that tonight, I won't make the play.

GalCiv2 is a classic 4X (eXplore, eXploit, eXpand and, um, eXfoliate) turn-based strategy game along the lines of Masters of Orion, the Civilization series and, well, GalCiv1. And since it's in space I of course had to try it out. So after a digital purchase and download (c'mon, c'mon, c'mon! Download already you piece of ....) I fired it up and got invaded by another civilization before the first year had ended.

Alright, check the forums for strategies. Nope, too new, everyone is learning. Okay go through the tutorials. Okay I think I got the grasp of this. Start a new game....and Earth is invaded by aliens within a year. Alright read the actual manual. Oh so the default spending is 50% but to get everything working at top capability, max spending to 100%. Ah okay. Start up another game, crank up the spending, go into debt by the end of the year, have my colonies rebel by the end of the second year and assimilated by angry robots by year 3. Doing better at least!

Start up a new game, do stuff to get my population up and be happy by researching those technologies and I have 5 colonies humming along by the end of the year, okay, now let's... oh wait, another race is demanding my lunch money. Screw you alien scum! My, what a big fleet he has, and here's me with no military to speak of....

And that's the game really; you need to balance spending, popularity, technology, efforts into building economic output, military, your influence on other races, your influence with your own people, deal with moral dilemmas (dilemmae?), negotiate, lie, cheat, steal and outright beg from other civilizations including the genetically-modified warrior squirrels (no, I'm not kidding).... There are so many things to balance!

Which is great!

One of the really neat things in this game is the construction of your ships. You can customize things like weapons, defenses, sensors etc, but there is also a huge catalog of cosmetic add-ons you get for free to make your ships as cool as you want them to be. this is turning out to be a huge hit for the fans out there. I've been avoiding it since I got City Of Heroes and played with the costume creator for an entire month. Bloody addictive personality.

The AI is really solid (almost too solid at the harder levels) and the devs make no apologies: a computer can micro-manage much better than a human (especially me). And although you can repeatedly hit the 'Next Turn' button, every time you do, the uneasy sensation that you are forgetting to look at something grows...

The learning curve is pretty steep, and although the manual gets into the mechanics, it takes some time to figure what does what (and what side-effects they have) to get a civilization going, and for some that will not be an appealing feature. Even when you do get over the hump (which I did recently by dominating the universe, not by force, but by selling cheap trinkets, pushing diet soda, and making sure out technologically enhanced pop-stars make regular appearances on alien worlds. In other words I destroyed their cultures with my own! I felt a little dirty, but dammit I won.) there is still alot that can happen with random events, planet placement, races, events etc etc. No game plays the same twice and, here's the main thing, no strategy will work every time!

So as a game it's pretty damn good. Add to that, there is some very tongue-in-cheek messages (one race invaded me because I tried to sell them diet cola), some really great graphics you have a winner.

Now there are some cons here. The interfaces can get a little confusing and may not work as well as expected. But I'm putting together a list for the forums, which by the way, the devs are very active on and have already implemented some suggestions in a patch or two. It's a typical indy-developer viewpoint getting more and more presence: they know who buys their games, they know there will be problems, and they know they are fixable. This is a refreshing change from the big-corp method of 'Behold, our great and innovative sequel! Tremble and be amazed!' attitude.

So overall, this is a fantastic, turn-based strategy game in a day and age where the genre has been declared dead. It's not without it's warts, but frankly it's a helluva lot more polished than many of the 'offerings' from the big boys over the past couple of years. So it looks like I have a new source of sleepless nights for the next while (besides the other reasons).

Oh, and if any of the devs are reading this, who came up with the confirm message for quitting to be "Are you sure you want to quit? A few more turns won't hurt..."


Wednesday, March 01, 2006

this is not a post

I know, I said pictures. They are coming, probably on the weekend.

Galactic Civilizations 2 is a good game.....