Sunday, June 18, 2006

Guess Who had a Date?

Yup. Me.

A coffee date with someone I met on the internet. Now, the reason I didn't tell anyone (here or in real life) as I tend to think it jinxes it. That, and I get over-excited, nervous and clumsy. Clumsier. I'm not known for sweeping women off of my feet, more like tripping them. But coffee was good, and we had a nice walk around the neighborhood: the weather finally cleared up.

She's a pretty cool girl: she's traveled, smart, has an English degree and is a total geek. I won't go into detail here, but lets just say there are a remarkable amount of similar interests.

I know, scary similarity there.

So I think it went well, no walk of shame. An exchange of phone numbers is happening (via email) and we're supposed to make arrangnments for drinks later on.

Just hope my shyness factor reduces itself a bit. She seemed to be pretty business-like (not uncommon though and to be expected) and there wasn't alot of tension. And I wasn't my usual goofy self. That's normal right?

Anyway, a good first date with no out-of-left-field surprises like unrevealed children, an Amway pitch or obvious psychosis. In her. Me, I'm never sure about.

And she's cute, never discount that. Of course, it takes a couple dates to determine a rapport (as opposed to the instant, not-a-chance date). Good feeling so far as we seem intellectually compatible.

We'll see. Here's hoping.

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