Sunday, June 25, 2006

Weekend Update!

Ummm, not alot actually.

A lot of plans fell through, I did manage to get some decent bike rides in. Other than the weekly chores, that's about it.

I did get some of my free beer. I haven't had any yet. Not sure why not.

Really, all I'm posting for is to just get something done this weekend.

The next week will be a tad more exciting. I'm off-site getting Java training all next week. Then after 8 hours of training I have to go back to the office (oi) each day.

Company BBQ on Wednesday, which should prove interesting. Hope the weather is nice.

Then on the long weekend (longer in that I am taking Friday off) I'm going to visit my Mom for her 60th B-day. As I want to give her new golf clubs, and know abslutly zilch about golf, I'm just going to take her shopping.

And sometime in there, I'm hoping another date.

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