Saturday, August 19, 2006

Bad Movie! Bad Movie!

Alrighty then. Capa had loaned me this piece of, well, cinematic excellence and has been bugging me for a week to actually watch it.

Capa, you owe me 4 hours of my life back.

It was horrible. What I should have done is just watch it with the commentary on first run. Then I wouldn't have wasted my time. It's bad, oh dear gods it's bad. Even Bruce Campbell, gods love him, may his chin jut forever, couldn't save this stinker.

But I love the commentary.

Now on the other hand some actual good viewing can be had with this. $90, well worth the money. I've always had a fascination with ancient Rome and this just blew me away. I am now adding it to the required viewing list. Watch it!

Now I'm going to bed, and with any luck, will not have nightmares about horribly acted, terribly directed, and just plain wrong sci-fi. Unless of course it's more along the lines of this. Or this.

All Praise Bruce Campbell!

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