Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Start Write Now! Er....

Okay Capa, thanks very much for the "kick in the junk". By the way: Nice Hair!

So the reason I didn't post yesterday (and the reason why Capa got all Reservoir Dogs on my ass) was because I received a panicked plea from my Auntie L about her wireless router not working (Help me Moby-Wan Kenobi!). So after I fixed the router, was fed my second supper of the night (so much for not eating after seven), had a few drinks with her "Cougar Posse" I came home and discovered my computer had a Trojan Horse installed (Thanks Dad!).

I was supposed to tell you about Start Write Now. It's a site that features myself, Capa and a few other wanna-be writers discussing the vagaries of newbie scriveners. As the principle reason I started this whole blog thing 2 years ago was to get my write on, it's about time to move on to things that aren't about my life. That's pretty much played out anyways, and the reviewers weren't kind at all (Thanks Dad!).
So with that, I am actually going to set aside some time each week to write something besides this thing.

As a secondary aside: of course now that I've linked to it, finding out my "secret identity" won't be much of a problem. Not that it worries me that much. I've never been that thrilled with the whole anonymity thing anyways: I say what I say and damn the consequences. Which reminds me, I bought this the other day. I wonder what it's about?

There was a time when I went to sci-fi cons about four times a year. That went by the wayside around the time I was homeless (did I ever discuss that particular event in my life?). So with trying to get back on the writing gig, I'm attending Conversion this year. Pretty decent line-up of writers: I always like to hear what they have to say, even if I don't agree with it.

Oh yeah, and girls in sci-fi costumes, which is hot. I miss that.

Oh yeah, guys in Sailor Moon outfits. I do not miss that!

1 comment:

Dykmoby said...

Ah so the "kick in the junk" was just being freindly....