Friday, July 06, 2007

Almost ... There ....

Okay I almost have a new job. The offer is being drawn up (after some negotiations today) and should be available for my Dyk Moby on Monday.

The amazing thing is that I didn't realize I was that stressed out about finding a job. It's a huge relief but also a huge surprise that it was weighing me down so much. And there's still the nagging worry that "Almost...there..." will turn into "They come from ... behind ...!". But that may be because I've been playing Lego Star Wars again. Love that game.

And on top of that, it looks like a great job. I won't go into details as this is a blog after all, but it's the kind of situation where change is happening fast. They need someone who can put some structure around it while still delivering software.

So pretty much my last job.

At least this time I won't be sucked into doing legacy crapola. It's all about leadership baby.

I start the week after next, so I'm going to take the next week to really and truly relax (and tell all those recruiters I'm no longer looking for work) and lavish Laroo with the affection she so richly deserves.

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