Monday, July 09, 2007

Indentured Again

No I didn't just come back from the dentist. I came back from my new place of employment!

Yup, I signed my life away on the dotted line. My mini-retirement is coming to an end as of next Monday. So I need to do all the stuff I've been putting off for two month in the next five days....

The job looks okay: note quite the pay-cheque I was hoping for but they do have a bonus structure that almost gets me there. I'll be doing the exact same thing I was doing at my last place of employment: leading. As much as I ever lead anyways. But the difference is in my ignorance. I'm guessing (ie hoping) there will be less of "Do you have a sec" and "Can you do me a favour?".

And yes, for those who know me, I'll be happy to pass along a resume. Except for Capa, apparently he needs some long-term disability due to starting some exercise.

Wobbly Pops are good for what ails ya. Ale is good for what ails ya? That works.

Sooooo the next mid-life challenge on the roster is attempting to find a two-bedroom apartment that is within walking distance to work. And, of course, finding something for September 1st is the absolute worst time of year to do so in this burg...

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