Thursday, July 26, 2007


Okay bad day.

Laroo is in England (which is great for her). I miss her already. Alot. But she's going to see a lot of stage productions (for "work"), gong to Stratford and taking a tour of Stonehenge where you can touch the plinths. The stones. The rocks. Whatever they are.

Last night I determined the combination of (a) an ISP that oversold so much they have brought their network to a grinding halt in my area; (b) a wireless router that I am finding out is the biggest lemon on the market (not just my opinion) and; (c) iTunes means I will no longer purchase music from iTunes. The service is slooooow here in the Great White North. Not to mention that they don't have the stuff I am looking for (although it's available in the U.S.A.).

And work got interesting. I discovered today that there is a huge flaw in this big project they are ramping up with ridiculous deadlines. There's no way we can do what Marketing wants us to do. I figured this out at five o'clock today and get to tell people tomorrow morning. Joy.

There's a bright spot though. The Order of the Stick is probably the funniest as well as the best written web comic I have ever read. 477 strips read in two nights.

It's geeky but if you have ever played D&D even once in your life you'll get the most of the in jokes. What makes it great is the writing: there are very well developed characters, incredible plots, real human drama (or demi-human) and something that goes beyond what you normal think of as "funny pages".

Don't let the stick-figure art throw you (like it did to me the first time I looked at it a while back). I'm accusing it of literature.

As soon as I get a permanent address, I'm buying all the books. And probably the "I dream of the day when I will learn to stop asking questions for which I will regret knowing the answers.".

I think I relate to Roy the most...

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