Tuesday, January 31, 2006
A Wise Lemming Said to Me...
While out and about today (well, okay, while walking to a bookstore at lunch) Stray Lemming mentioned something very interesting regarding my, well, shall we say efforts regarding Lavalife et. al. He said that for someone who previously who was going to 'batch it' for a while, I was putting alot of effort into starting a new relationship.
And looking at my posts for the last month, he's right (okay I knew he was right when he said it, reviewing the site just confirms it). So I asked myself, "Self! What's up with that, man?"
Good question, so here's some possible answers.
Well, duh. But you don't need to be in a relationship to have sex. In theory. So I've heard.
The Relationship Guy
Yeah, I'm a serial monogamist (barring the five year period known as The Drought). So maybe I just don't feel comfortable when I'm not with someone. Something about that rings true, but as stated before, I like my independence as well. So I'll give it a little bit of credence.
Playing the Game
I resigned my commission with, er, I mean, I cancelled my accounts for the MMOs I was playing. And if you think about it, Online Dating is alot like an MMO. It's massive, it's multi-player, it's online!
And of course you raise your skills (obviously I rolled a critical failure this weekend, yikes.), there's PvP (all the other guys on there) ganking (the other guys who move in with their superior, nay l33t abilities) and the end-game "raid" (and with any luck...multiple "parties").
Not to mention playing solo is unfulfilling.
What to do?
Back off for a while. I have several projects... well, not on the "go"... that I want to work on. Plus the whole reconnecting with lapsed friendships etc.
That doesn't mean I won't, if the opportunity arises, decline a party invite for a quick instance run.
Okay, ran that analogy too long.
Monday, January 30, 2006
Stray Lemming = 'Poo'
Message Ends
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Rocket Surgeon: Scope Creep
With all the whoop-de-do at work already reported, looks like we are going to get much more heavily involved with Java (we've been almost exclusively a MS shop for years) with some new tech coming in. So since I'm now on the Integration team, I have to bone up on Java.
I did take some in school, but very little. So after some surfing I picked up Head First Java to start off with and Java After Hours for more advanced stuff.
Yes, yes, I'm focusing on gaming stuff. But if you can program games, you've pretty much got this coding thing sussed.
So ultimately, P:RS will be a Java game, which also means it will be playable on multiple platforms. Which means that people I know will actually be shang-hai'ed into being beta testers. Fortunately I do know some QA people...
Now those who know me know I like to have a tipple now and then. For those who really know me, "now and then" is actually hardly ever. Mostly because I drive. Alot.
But I think a stiff one for "medicinal purposes" is in order. I do notice I sleep better and wake up (as opposed to "rise from the grave") a tad more refreshed. So a nightcap will be integrated into the regular routine.
I know that's not extremely interesting but January is boring, in general.
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Answerologists RULE!
I'd say the general consensus is I came on too strong. Which was probably me overcompensating for being to 'stoic', although a few opined that she could have handled that better as well (story of my life). Mea Culpa, once again.
And my ex called tonight (at the point where I had finished my 4th vodka 7). So we're having lunch so we can exchange the last of the stuff (I have some play tickets, she has my apartment keys).
Kinda weird hearing from her. But trust me, getting back together is not gonna happen.
I Take it Back, It Does Suck
Don't know what I did wrong. We exchanged many emails, a few phone calls, and everything seemed to be going swimmingly. We had great conversations, shared compliments, found out we had alot in common.
I should note that during our last phone call, her phone went dead. I had asked her out for coffee next week the day before, but she had to go out of town for work for a week.
So I sent the following:
Technology, whaddaya going to do about it?
Anyway, we got cut off before I had the chance (ie built up the confidence) to tell you that, well, I think you're pretty amazing. Now here's me being forward this time :)
Even after a short time, I can tell you are a great person, funny, bright, fun, positive outlook, quirky. Just brings up a huge sigh and goofy grin on me when I think about it.
So anyway, if I seemed a little energy-less, well, I can't wait to meet you, and a whole week... that's like, what, seven days? Argh! Heheh.
So needless to say I'm looking forward to hearing from you :)
She read that and then blocked me.
I give up.
Friday, January 27, 2006
A Poem
So here's a poem:
On Lavalife, I set up a profile
To each girl, I sent a wry smile
But with no reply
I figured I'd try
AdultFriendFinder, for a while
Sent this to Regina Lynn who said she'll use it (maybe) in an upcoming Podcast.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Work, Play and Poetry
For those in the know, I had previously spewed alot of venom and vitriol about my current place of employment, which I subsequently removed from the blog. This was because I was scaring even myself.
But sometimes things swell to the top and explode. Like volcano. Or a zit. Or like when I forgot to put the top on the blender when making a smoothie last night. There's another analogy here, but I'm single and only have a vague recollection.
Now there has been no less that 3 reorganizations in the past year. And from what I can see each has been progressively motivated by politics. The last one is (I'm speculating, the same way that a person speculates that falling off of a 40-story building does not bode well) that this last one was purely political in nature. My new manager is looking to build up head-count as well as get himself promoted (for the third time in three years). So I have a new boss, who was once my old boss.
This current re-org has forced the usually shuffling of people from one cubicle to another cubicle. Now my previous fattening-pen at least was by a window, was away from the high-traffic areas and allowed at least a modicum of privacy.
Now, not so much. I'm on the corner of an intersection, which has already become a 'hub' for standup meetings.
Some of you are saying 'so get some headphones!'. Which I have. But they don't help because I inevitably get tapped on the shoulder for my input (I've been with the company seven years, which makes me an old-timer). Not great for the concentration.
So the second thing is, I don't trust my boss (who was my boss two bosses ago). He's a smart guy, but frankly his outlook on development is the complete opposite of mine: he wants to deliver something, anything to keep the clients happy. At the opposite extreme is myself, who has no problems delaying a project if it doesn't meet quality standards. There will be a definite wailing and gnashing of teeth over this.... He's short term, I'm long term. Which means I'm left holding the bag on the 'oversights' that inevitably occur when he's in charge.
That, and it looks like I'm stuck working with 25 year old technology again.
There's more about work I want to gripe about, but I gotta save something for later.
Okay, a reader (by which I mean a person I physically threatened until he read my blog) had asked me to describe the phone conversation and the girl I was talking to. I would but that's personal for her. I don't want to reveal anything about people (unless it's nasty and I don't like them) without their knowledge, I'll only publish my own thoughts on the situations I find myself in.
That being said I called her the next day. Now I actually thought that this was good thing, as I do hear (okay I read on Answerology) that women hate it when guys wait too long. So I thought I was blazing new trails and opening up the lines of communications between the sexes.
Instead, I think I came off as clingy. Well, ball is in her court now. What do you think the odds are she'll just pick it up and move to the next pitch (you know, the one that has the much more handsome, tanned, tennis instructor).
Hmmmm, maybe there's a self-confidence problem in there somewhere. I'd find out more, but worried I could be right.
Project: Rocket Surgeon!
... is delayed. Not because I'm lazy (well, not entirely anyway), but because MS has started another online course on C# and game design, but using 3D graphics!
It actually is a much, much better course than the first. So I looked at what they did, and I did, and pretty much scrapped what I did.
So the new game is to take Rocketmen! and turn it into a real-time 3D space battle! Which means I have to change the rules as presented by the original game, but also means I can simplify them greatly. The sessions continue for the next two weeks, so I'll take those before I delve into my own code. Besides, they provide a pretty okay 3D engine. And I can make my own 3D models!
ummm, actually, I'll save this one for later. Let's just say it involves a limerick, a blogger who knows much, much more about technology and sex than I, and, well, I still have to find out.
Check for gills! Shawks!
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Okay, Maybe it Ain't So Bad
Just got of the phone with a fantastic girl I exchanged emails with on, well, Lavalife.
Yeah, yeah, I know I made disparaging comments on on-line dating, my experiences with on-line dating and people who on-line date. On-line.
Sometimes I forget that you gotta go through a lotta dross to find the gems. Now I know it's too early to know if things will work out at all, still haven't done the notorious face-to-face experience yet. I always do something dumb like forget to shave, get tongue tied, or mention comic books or cartoons far too often (ie once).
But I gotta say, we had a great conversation, she's very interesting, different, had a much more varied and broad life-experience than me. So needless to say, I'm very intrigued.
And she has a wonderful laugh....
And if she ever, ever reads this blog: I'm sorry about the cracks I made here about silver jewelry and astrology! I was going for the funny! Ah crap, blew it again.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Workin' Out is kinda Weird
Captain Eight-ab: Tall black guy with no waist at all. Spends more time posing in front of the mirror than actually working out
The Pec-inator: Very, very obvious pectoral implants. I'm surprised he doesn't keel over.
Spaghetti-Strap Frankenstein: Body-builder, wears those really dumb 'shirts' which are just two shoelaces holding up a dish towel. Has very obvious face cosmetic surgery and hair-implants.
The Hotness: Fake and bake tan, gotta-be fake bosoms, wears next to nothing and is supremely aware of who is looking at her.
Dynamite Joe: Every see Million Dollar Baby? Well, I swear to the gods, the dumb, skinny kid everyone picks on in that movie was inspired by this guy at my gym. Nice enough and polite, but talks about his workout through his entire workout very, very loudly!
Roadrunner: She's on the treadmill when I get there, she's on the treadmill when I leave, every single time I'm there! She must do a marathon a day!
Up-Close-And-Very-Personal Trainer: He's helping the girls 'work-out' by giving them advice (asked for or not) and looking down their sports bras the entire time.
The Geek: Wears T-Shirts with cartoon characters and weird sayings on them, always cleans his bench even if he just uses it to take a break. Always has a hard-bound book with him.
The last one is me, of course.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
That's It!
I mean c'mon? There's 900,000 people where I live. If half of them are women, that's 450,000 women!
Say even, I dunno, 10% of them are in a 'date-able range' that's like, 45,000 women at an age I would not consider myself a cradle robber or robbie! Lot's of choice!
So say, because i'm 37, about 15% of them aren't married, cuz I don't date married women. Er, actually with the luck I've been having, any, really. Anyway, that's still 6,750 women! More than enough!
Okay, granted I don't want to date a single mom, so that's gonna reduce the number by about another 90%, add that I don't want any kids, that's another 90%... that's 67 and a half.... now I can be pretty picky, looks-wise.....
Okay, I'm moving to Toronto. Or New York. Or ...
Going Along Swimmingly
Now when I have dreams, I have dreams. Full technicolour and surround sound. One of the best reasons for me to go to bed (or at least to sleep, me and the couch are like this).
So here's a snippet from last night.
I'm just off the coast, it's a steel-grey sky. But on the surface of the water is a town, except the streets are water. It's fully populated, I can see people on the sidewalks, gardening etc.
Swimming down these streets are myself and, below the surface, a group of killer whales. I feel this is very cool and exciting, although I'm a bit nervous about being mistaken for a baby seal. It's a whole pod of them, including a couple of calves, but I'm just swimming down the street with them. They know I'm there (and not in a "Oh look! A seal!" kind of way).
So I pop up onto the 'sidewalk' to have a break. Two of the orca surface and turn into very cute women. One, dressed in brown shorts, a brown shirt tied and the midriff and short light brown hair with brown eyes, the other dressed in a black t-shirt, light-grey tights and with long black hair and steel-grey eyes. I know they are elemental representations of Earth and Sky (stormy) respectively. We have a great conversation (can't remember about what) and I had the exact same feelings of exhilaration, enjoyment and nervousness as when I was swimming with them as Orca.
They dive back into the water, turning back into Orca, and I continue swimming with them. But I don't feel nervous anymore. End of dream.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
In a Dry Season, no Rain Will fall
The time since break-up has now far exceeded the longest period during the relationship that I haven't had ... relations.
Now if I'm like most of the freshly solo people out there, a certain frustration, nay a desperation comes into play. You find yourself short-tempered, grumpy and even, dare I say it, frustrated for no apparent reason. Granted in my case it can be hard to tell.
Suffice it to say, that at this mental plateau, it is extremely annoying for a singleton to hear their downstairs neighbors 'making love' both enthusiastically and at great volume.
And in this particular case, the mental (and physical) discomfort is compounded an order of magnitude when your downstairs neighbors are, in fact, lesbians.
Sunday, January 15, 2006
All's Quiet on the Western Front
So today's random thoughts are advice for ladies posting their pictures on the Interweb datin' sites
- A picture of you kissing a guy as your profile pic may be sending the wrong message. Example: here's what you have to better than. Now blanking him out in Photoshop or similar and putting 'Your Face Here' sends the right kind of message.
- Having a picture of flowers, kittens, your dog, rainbows etc as your profile pic says 'I am too embarrassed to put my picture up'. To a guy, that's essential a road sign saying 'No Stopping'.
- If you do put up a picture of yourself, please make sure it's recent. I've seen quite a few mid-thirties gals having really nice pics. The Hypercolor sweatshirt sort of gives away when it was taken.
- If you are going to use the services of a 'Glamour' photographer (ya know, sexy poses in skimpy outfits, roaring fireplaces and a bear skin rug, that kind of thing) make sure you get your money's worth. Some of the so-called 'Glamour' shots make women look like tranvestites with way too much makeup and some of the most awkward looking positions that no human should be able to do without some serious chiropracty.
- Use a picture where you are smiling, not: scowling, looking like you are about to throw up, obviously drunk out of your mind, giving the finger or yelling at someone outside the frame.
I'm pretty sure the same could apply to guys, but I'm not into that sort of thing. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Friday, January 13, 2006
Anyway this is just a random musings post. At work we had a software security product demo by a guy who used to work for VeriSign. He mentioned that the whole reason the company got off the ground was the Internet porn boom. So I started thinking about porn (it was a really boring presentation).
I have to say that beyond my teenage years I've never been a huge fan. Sure I've watched (or rather, used) pornography but a couple of things always struck me
- Really, how many angles of people having sex can there be? And with that kind of extreme closeup, you could probably use latex Muppets and it would look the same (although I understand there are segments of society that has that sort of thing as a preference...)
- .. and with the volume of silcon enhancements (both male and female) it's getting darn close to that.
- The sex always seems more mechanical than erotic. And so bloody predictable. And you know how it's going to end...
- At the back of my mind there is always one thought: I'm not getting any and those two (or more) are paid for it. It's their means of getting a paycheck. People arrange for them to have sex with little or no effort on the performers own (until the camera rolls). Imagine the following scene on the set:
Man With Hair Implants: Excuse me? Are you Mr. Scoreseasy? The director?
Mr. Scoreseasy: Why yes! And you must be Woody Tripod. Ready for today's
shoot?Man With Hair Implants: Sure am! Who am I working with today?
Mr. Scoreseasy: Well, Sonia Slicks in the first scene, then the Bosom Twins
in the pool scene. And Lisa Lollypop in the final scene.Man With Hair Impants: Hey I like Lisa, she has some great recommendations
from her book club!
And can you imagine what would happened if you called in sick because you just don't feel sexy today?
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Shameless Self-Promotion
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Monday. Everyone hates 'em, there's even a song about not liking Mondays. Now for me, Mondays are okay, you're (presumably) rested from the weekend, with a faint patina of hope on your soul. Tuesday rolls in, and that small reserve of energy you've built up over the weekend has been expended, and you still have to do whatever it is you do for four more days! Bleh.
Breaking More than One Bad Habit
Alright, here's what happened. Went to a little convenience store by work in the afternoon to get myself some snackage. Now today was supposed to be the last day I allowed myself to have smokes: only 5 today. So I go into the store, get a bag of Hickory Sticks and a lotto ticket, and I walk out with a pack of smokes without even realizing it! It had become part of the daily routine: snack-food, stupidity tax and nicotine. The nice old guy working the register doesn't even ask anymore, I don't question it. I'd chuck 'em but they are $11 a pack.
So the revision is, no smoking at work. Good thing Stray Lemming moved to another floor or he'd kill me. Or me him.
So I Didn't Go See George RR Martin
He has a book-signing today in town. Was going to go, but decided to duck out. Okay, lame out. But I have my flimsy justifications.
When I was getting me English-as-a-first-language degree, I met a lot of authors. Many. And almost all of them struck me as stuck-up elitist jerks. So I have a natural derision of auteurs. Now I'm not saying Mr. Martin is a stuck up effete intelligentsia type. But authors, as a breed, make me snarl. And I'm trying to become one, which is probably another 6 months on a couch in a well appointed office....
Second reason is I'm not a big autograph fan. I know I could get some coinage on eBay, but I don't whore myself out that way. Much. And besides, I think if a writer has anything interesting to say, they will say it in their work.
On-Line Dating
Looks like I provoked an emotional response on Lavalife. Sent a smile, got one back. Somewhere in between she had updated her profile in a way which made me pause a bit (I'm picturing cheap silver jewelry, chakra crystals and palm readings). But I wrote her anyway. Meeting people online is just like meeting people in real life, except with more spelling mistakes and bad grammar. So we'll see what happens.
PS the 'adult entertainer' is back on LL, this time with two profiles. Wonder if she remembers me? And if she would be pissed that I was the one who squealed on her.
Did laundry, dishes and cleaned up the non-linoleum half of my apartment today. Also looking at the mirror, there's some muscle tone forming 9course it may just be tumor). Screw the self-help books, if you want to improve your looks and living conditions, just be single! Which of course obviates the reasons you want to improve yourself. Hells, if I wasn't concerned about, er, things, you know... I'd gain 80 pounds in cheeseburgers alone. And leave the wrappers everywhere!
Sunday, January 08, 2006
How To Install a Mother-#&%*ing Board
- 10:35 am Finish pot of coffee
- 10:36 am Locate Windows XP Professional SP2 CD
- 10:37 am Find huge scratch on CD
- 10:58 am Finish burning new CD from ISO
- 10:59 am Disconnect Computer from nest of cables at back of box
- 11:00 am Reconnect computer to download latest BIOS updates from motherboard manufacturer
- 11:06 am Disconnect Computer from nest of cables at back of box
- 11:08 am Attempt to find clean surface to do work
- 11:11 am Clean off kitchen table
- 11:12 am Crack Case
- 11:13 am Remove power leads and IDE cables from motherboard and attempt to remove same
- 11:23 am Locate final screw holding old motherboard in case
- 11:23 am Remove Hard Drives from case
- 11:23:02 am Try not to have a cigarette
- 11:33 am Place new motherboard into case
- 11:45 am Find find last screw under stove
- 11:46 am Really try not to think about having a smoke
- 11:47 am Reconnect drive IDE cables and power cables
- 11:49 am discover odd red liquid on new motherboard
- 11:50 am attempt to find Band-Aid
- 11:58 am go to car to get first aid kid
- 12:02 pm use kleenex and duct tape as handy replacement to bandaid
- 12:05 pm plug in mouse and keyboard, power and network cable into case and switch on
- 12:05:30 pm try again
- 12:06:20 pm try again
- 12:09 pm try and find manual for new motherboard
- 12:11 pm read manual, discover motherboard need another power lead: 12v ATX four prong square lead
- 12:12 pm attempt to find above lead on power supply
- 12:18 pm Remove power supply
- 12:20 pm Re-install power supply
- 12:25 pm shower to go out to get 12v ATX four prong square adapter at computer store
- 12:50 pm decide to check power supply one more time for lead
- 12:52 pm plug in 12v ATX four prong square lead
- 12:53 pm turn computer on
- 12:54 pm reverse installation of mouse and keyboard, restart computer
- 12:55 pm smile as BIOS boots
- 12:55 pm swear as BIOS report over-clock error
- 12:56 pm reset BIOS to factory settings and restart computer
- 12:57 pm Windows loads!
- 12:58 pm install drivers as prompted
- 1:25 pm restart computer
- 1:26 pm attempt re-install of graphics card driver
- 1:31 pm remove graphics card and reboot
- 1:34 pm reinstall graphics card and reboot
- 1:36 pm have a cigarette
- 1:49 pm arrive at office and look up problem on Microsoft Support site
- 2:12 pm look up problem on Google
- 2:13 pm find resolution on Google boards
- 2:33 pm get home and install non-Microsoft driver for video card
- 2:35 pm set desktop to max resolution
- 2:36 pm remove sound card and restart
- 2:37 pm re-install sound card and reboot
- 2:44 pm tell landlady that I will keep the swearing volume to a minimum
- 2:45 pm invent new alcoholic beverage: Vodka, Red Grapefruit juice and Ginger Ale, christen new drink a "Morgan Webb"
- 2:55 pm reinstall original sound card driver
- 2:56 pm install sound card patches
- 3:10 pm restart computer
- 3:11 pm Windows prompts that OS needs to be re-registered due to hardware changes
- 3:12 pm try and find registration key
- 3:18 pm realize that key is on USB storage device
- 3:18:10 pm realize that USB storage device is plugged into computer at work
- 3:19 pm have another "Morgan Webb" and cigarette
- 3:22 pm find business card that has registration key written on it
- 3:23 pm re-register Windows
- 3:24 pm Blog it!
So yay! I have my new-kick ass machine up and running. Only problem now is that it doesn't recognize my CD burner or DVD drive. Another time, after I have another "Morgan Webb"
Nixon's Baaaaaack!
That is all. Have to burn some tapes now.
Friday, January 06, 2006
Quadruple The Readership!
Heart of Gold
So I did get the new computer 'heart': dual core CPU, 2 gigs of memory and liquid cooled motherboard. Ready to rock the 3D animation world! Just gotta drop a grand to get the software... Will be installing this weekend, and considering my ineptness, you probably will never hear from me again as I fry both the old and new systems.
Example: My computer has been shutting down when doing CPU intensive tasks (ie gaming). So after blowing out the small civilization of dust-bunnies in my box (they had advanced beyond the Bronze age to the scavenging Gold from Circuits age) it was still happening. So after I ordered the new hardware, I noticed that the CPU fan wasn't rotating very much. $10 bucks later (after buying a new CPU fan) the problems stopped. So I dropped a grand for nothing. But I'm still excited about the new gear: I'll take the old motherboard and get a new case and hard drive for more work-related programming.
Rocket Surgery Delayed due to Rising Health Care Costs
Still working on it, but translating code to thought process is more intensive than I thought. Putting a graphic object model together, so first entry will be when I get a first draft done of that.
A Novel Idea
So last night I had a great idea for a novel. Because this is the internet and my follow-through is horrible if not downright criminal, I won't be describing it here. However I will write at least one chapter by the end of the month to hand around to friends.
This is me: great ideas, too lazy to implement. Worked for 37 years so why change now?
The Shack-Up Question: A revisionist history
So I've been giving some thought on a previous post on me and relationships. You may recall I expressed some distaste at the idea of moving in with a significant other (when I had a significant other). Further contemplation has concluded two things:
- I really don't mind the idea of living with someone, I've done it before and wasn't too bad (the living together part anyway). As long as I can do what I want to do (with some understandable curtailment of volume of course) I don't see a problem.
- At the time of the post, I subliminally knew that this would not happen with my S/O at the time. Her continuous derogatory remarks on what I did in my own time may have had something to do with that. Plus I didn't get much "me" time when living in separate domiciles, living under the same roof wouldn't have helped matters at all.
That's about it for now, I'm actually looking forward to updating this site (positive re-enforcement does wonders) on a semi-regular basis. Oh and for those so inclined, here's one of my profiles from a dating site. Enjoy!
First off, call me Moby, everyone does. Glad ta meetcha!So let's see, start with physical:6'2" eyes of bl...er, brown.Hair is brown, with a little salt on the sides, and a slightly receding hairline.
Did I mention I'm 37? I'm 37 (thus the salt and hairline, hey it happens!)
Body type is thin but working out quite a bit (when you're single you seem to have the time, but you knew that already).
I'm a computer programmer (so gainfully employed, I understand that's a "positive"). Living and working and playing (but not quite as much as I want to) in Calgary. Close to downtown, no suburban wasteland for me!
Hmm, let's see, no kids, trying to quit smoking (this is hard, but I keep on keepin' on).
Personality wise, I try to balance the smart and smart-azz sides of myself, with varying success. I'm a huge reader (just drop waaaay too much at bookstores), like skiing, biking and recently got bit by the travel bug! (Trip to Mexico and 2 to Italy in the past two years!). Oh yeah and movies, lots of movies! From cheese to foreign films, only ones I'm not thrilled with are slasher films (but zombie films rock!) Akira Kurasawa all the way!
Oh yeah, I'm a geek. Have the T-shirt and everything. Get really weird looks when I wear it to the gym!
So I'm looking for..... er, well, I'm trying not to build up too many expectations. Someone who feels the same would be great: no schedule to keep, just take life (and people) as they comes. Almost everyone says sense of humour, but if you can quote Monty Python, I'm already smitten (I did say I'm a geek, right?) So anyway, there I am, an open book (with full colour illustrations and small, easy to read words, just the way I like 'em).
Until We meet again, don't know where, don't know when...
Sunday, January 01, 2006
MMO No Mo'
So now your asking yourself 'Why Should I Care'? You shouldn't but it's my damn blog.
MMOs really thrilled me at first, the interaction, the huge worlds to explore the open ended gameplay.
But lately it's just been a grind. CoH/CoV just doesn't have the variety to keep my interest anymore. WoW, well after waiting 30 minutes in queue just to deal with net-kiddies is just frustrating. And There, it's a 3d chat-room. Never been much for chat-rooms, although the do have some amazing avatar technology. With voice, when you say something, it is able to good a good job at making your avatar speak with the same facial expressions.
So gaming now will be single player (unless I get a FPS with internet play). Right now, that's Fate, Space Hack, Fable (but almost done). So I'm gonna go pick up some more games (no idea what though).
On the tech side, my CPU keeps overheating, even after putting in 2 additional fans and scrubbing out the heat sinks. Time to upgrade anyway. Dual core baby!
Ummm, yep, still single...
Happy New Years and all that
And the weird thing is that I didn't have anything to drink. Which means I'm actually just sick.