Tuesday, January 17, 2006

In a Dry Season, no Rain Will fall

Okay I have reached a very subtle, but quite significant threshold in a newly-single person's life.

The time since break-up has now far exceeded the longest period during the relationship that I haven't had ... relations.

Now if I'm like most of the freshly solo people out there, a certain frustration, nay a desperation comes into play. You find yourself short-tempered, grumpy and even, dare I say it, frustrated for no apparent reason. Granted in my case it can be hard to tell.

Suffice it to say, that at this mental plateau, it is extremely annoying for a singleton to hear their downstairs neighbors 'making love' both enthusiastically and at great volume.

And in this particular case, the mental (and physical) discomfort is compounded an order of magnitude when your downstairs neighbors are, in fact, lesbians.

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