Sunday, January 29, 2006

Rocket Surgeon: Scope Creep

Okay, yet another delay on the project.

With all the whoop-de-do at work already reported, looks like we are going to get much more heavily involved with Java (we've been almost exclusively a MS shop for years) with some new tech coming in. So since I'm now on the Integration team, I have to bone up on Java.

I did take some in school, but very little. So after some surfing I picked up Head First Java to start off with and Java After Hours for more advanced stuff.

Yes, yes, I'm focusing on gaming stuff. But if you can program games, you've pretty much got this coding thing sussed.

So ultimately, P:RS will be a Java game, which also means it will be playable on multiple platforms. Which means that people I know will actually be shang-hai'ed into being beta testers. Fortunately I do know some QA people...

Now those who know me know I like to have a tipple now and then. For those who really know me, "now and then" is actually hardly ever. Mostly because I drive. Alot.

But I think a stiff one for "medicinal purposes" is in order. I do notice I sleep better and wake up (as opposed to "rise from the grave") a tad more refreshed. So a nightcap will be integrated into the regular routine.

I know that's not extremely interesting but January is boring, in general.

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