Sunday, January 01, 2006

MMO No Mo'

Okay just cancelled my accounts with City of Heroes, City of Villains, World of Warcraft and There (though to be honest I forgot I even signed up for There).

So now your asking yourself 'Why Should I Care'? You shouldn't but it's my damn blog.

MMOs really thrilled me at first, the interaction, the huge worlds to explore the open ended gameplay.

But lately it's just been a grind. CoH/CoV just doesn't have the variety to keep my interest anymore. WoW, well after waiting 30 minutes in queue just to deal with net-kiddies is just frustrating. And There, it's a 3d chat-room. Never been much for chat-rooms, although the do have some amazing avatar technology. With voice, when you say something, it is able to good a good job at making your avatar speak with the same facial expressions.

So gaming now will be single player (unless I get a FPS with internet play). Right now, that's Fate, Space Hack, Fable (but almost done). So I'm gonna go pick up some more games (no idea what though).

On the tech side, my CPU keeps overheating, even after putting in 2 additional fans and scrubbing out the heat sinks. Time to upgrade anyway. Dual core baby!

Ummm, yep, still single...


Dykmoby said...

Just bought a new motherboard, a dual core (2.2 Ghz Each) and 2 Gigs of memory. Now all I need is a game to play to 'test it out'.

Dykmoby said...

And the parts haven't come in yet. Damn you! I want me blisterin' machine!