Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Going Along Swimmingly

Okay since I was chastised for not blogging every single day, here's a little something.

Now when I have dreams, I have dreams. Full technicolour and surround sound. One of the best reasons for me to go to bed (or at least to sleep, me and the couch are like this).

So here's a snippet from last night.

I'm just off the coast, it's a steel-grey sky. But on the surface of the water is a town, except the streets are water. It's fully populated, I can see people on the sidewalks, gardening etc.

Swimming down these streets are myself and, below the surface, a group of killer whales. I feel this is very cool and exciting, although I'm a bit nervous about being mistaken for a baby seal. It's a whole pod of them, including a couple of calves, but I'm just swimming down the street with them. They know I'm there (and not in a "Oh look! A seal!" kind of way).

So I pop up onto the 'sidewalk' to have a break. Two of the orca surface and turn into very cute women. One, dressed in brown shorts, a brown shirt tied and the midriff and short light brown hair with brown eyes, the other dressed in a black t-shirt, light-grey tights and with long black hair and steel-grey eyes. I know they are elemental representations of Earth and Sky (stormy) respectively. We have a great conversation (can't remember about what) and I had the exact same feelings of exhilaration, enjoyment and nervousness as when I was swimming with them as Orca.

They dive back into the water, turning back into Orca, and I continue swimming with them. But I don't feel nervous anymore. End of dream.

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