Tuesday, January 31, 2006

A Wise Lemming Said to Me...


While out and about today (well, okay, while walking to a bookstore at lunch) Stray Lemming mentioned something very interesting regarding my, well, shall we say efforts regarding Lavalife et. al. He said that for someone who previously who was going to 'batch it' for a while, I was putting alot of effort into starting a new relationship.


And looking at my posts for the last month, he's right (okay I knew he was right when he said it, reviewing the site just confirms it). So I asked myself, "Self! What's up with that, man?"

Good question, so here's some possible answers.


Well, duh. But you don't need to be in a relationship to have sex. In theory. So I've heard.

The Relationship Guy

Yeah, I'm a serial monogamist (barring the five year period known as The Drought). So maybe I just don't feel comfortable when I'm not with someone. Something about that rings true, but as stated before, I like my independence as well. So I'll give it a little bit of credence.

Playing the Game

I resigned my commission with, er, I mean, I cancelled my accounts for the MMOs I was playing. And if you think about it, Online Dating is alot like an MMO. It's massive, it's multi-player, it's online!

And of course you raise your skills (obviously I rolled a critical failure this weekend, yikes.), there's PvP (all the other guys on there) ganking (the other guys who move in with their superior, nay l33t abilities) and the end-game "raid" (and with any luck...multiple "parties").

Not to mention playing solo is unfulfilling.

What to do?

Back off for a while. I have several projects... well, not on the "go"... that I want to work on. Plus the whole reconnecting with lapsed friendships etc.

That doesn't mean I won't, if the opportunity arises, decline a party invite for a quick instance run.

Okay, ran that analogy too long.

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