Friday, January 06, 2006

Quadruple The Readership!

First off, props to Stray Lemming (see sidebar for link) for expanding readership to 4! I got a few laughs, which is the ultimate goal of this whole endeavor (for today at least).

Heart of Gold
So I did get the new computer 'heart': dual core CPU, 2 gigs of memory and liquid cooled motherboard. Ready to rock the 3D animation world! Just gotta drop a grand to get the software... Will be installing this weekend, and considering my ineptness, you probably will never hear from me again as I fry both the old and new systems.

Example: My computer has been shutting down when doing CPU intensive tasks (ie gaming). So after blowing out the small civilization of dust-bunnies in my box (they had advanced beyond the Bronze age to the scavenging Gold from Circuits age) it was still happening. So after I ordered the new hardware, I noticed that the CPU fan wasn't rotating very much. $10 bucks later (after buying a new CPU fan) the problems stopped. So I dropped a grand for nothing. But I'm still excited about the new gear: I'll take the old motherboard and get a new case and hard drive for more work-related programming.

Rocket Surgery Delayed due to Rising Health Care Costs
Still working on it, but translating code to thought process is more intensive than I thought. Putting a graphic object model together, so first entry will be when I get a first draft done of that.

A Novel Idea
So last night I had a great idea for a novel. Because this is the internet and my follow-through is horrible if not downright criminal, I won't be describing it here. However I will write at least one chapter by the end of the month to hand around to friends.

This is me: great ideas, too lazy to implement. Worked for 37 years so why change now?

The Shack-Up Question: A revisionist history
So I've been giving some thought on a previous post on me and relationships. You may recall I expressed some distaste at the idea of moving in with a significant other (when I had a significant other). Further contemplation has concluded two things:
  • I really don't mind the idea of living with someone, I've done it before and wasn't too bad (the living together part anyway). As long as I can do what I want to do (with some understandable curtailment of volume of course) I don't see a problem.
  • At the time of the post, I subliminally knew that this would not happen with my S/O at the time. Her continuous derogatory remarks on what I did in my own time may have had something to do with that. Plus I didn't get much "me" time when living in separate domiciles, living under the same roof wouldn't have helped matters at all.


That's about it for now, I'm actually looking forward to updating this site (positive re-enforcement does wonders) on a semi-regular basis. Oh and for those so inclined, here's one of my profiles from a dating site. Enjoy!

First off, call me Moby, everyone does. Glad ta meetcha!So let's see, start with physical:6'2" eyes of, brown.Hair is brown, with a little salt on the sides, and a slightly receding hairline.

Did I mention I'm 37? I'm 37 (thus the salt and hairline, hey it happens!)

Body type is thin but working out quite a bit (when you're single you seem to have the time, but you knew that already).

I'm a computer programmer (so gainfully employed, I understand that's a "positive"). Living and working and playing (but not quite as much as I want to) in Calgary. Close to downtown, no suburban wasteland for me!

Hmm, let's see, no kids, trying to quit smoking (this is hard, but I keep on keepin' on).

Personality wise, I try to balance the smart and smart-azz sides of myself, with varying success. I'm a huge reader (just drop waaaay too much at bookstores), like skiing, biking and recently got bit by the travel bug! (Trip to Mexico and 2 to Italy in the past two years!). Oh yeah and movies, lots of movies! From cheese to foreign films, only ones I'm not thrilled with are slasher films (but zombie films rock!) Akira Kurasawa all the way!

Oh yeah, I'm a geek. Have the T-shirt and everything. Get really weird looks when I wear it to the gym!

So I'm looking for..... er, well, I'm trying not to build up too many expectations. Someone who feels the same would be great: no schedule to keep, just take life (and people) as they comes. Almost everyone says sense of humour, but if you can quote Monty Python, I'm already smitten (I did say I'm a geek, right?) So anyway, there I am, an open book (with full colour illustrations and small, easy to read words, just the way I like 'em).

Until We meet again, don't know where, don't know when...

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