The actual day itself was pretty non-descript, L'il Bro' B took me out for lunch (L'il Bro G was working) and that's about all the festivities (which I do not mind at all). Mind you it was a mind-blowing, belly-busting season premier of Family Guy. So that made my day. That an a l'il something that gets tossed out of the InterTubes once in a while. Sometimes the universe is a benevolent place.
I hate it when I think "hey I should blog that!" all day then sit in front of the keyboard and totally space.
Oh yeah!
Okay, have I ever introduced the "Moby Break-Up Recovery Calculator"? It gives an indication on how long it should take to recover from a break-up and be ready to "get back on the horse".
- Take the duration of the relationship in the largest whole units (day, week, month, year)
- Double the numerical amount
- Decrement the unit of measurement (years become months, month become weeks, weeks become days).
- The result is the approximate 'recovery time'.
Note that this does not produce a linear result. A year becomes two months but six months becomes twelve weeks (about three months).
One note on the original "duration". While the start of a relationship can be readily identified, the "end" depends not just on the date of a formal sundering, but when "emotionally" you were no longer together.
Just a little nonsensical measurement. I'm a geek after all.
Lessee, what else...
Oh yeah. NaNoWriMo is of course coming up in November. Considering last year's debacle, I'm wondering if I should try it again (without moving or wooing a member of the opposite sex this time). I'm inclined to do an informal attempt at it using my previously aborted start (which disqualifies me from the actual contest). Alternately I could start my Zombie novel but that requires a considerable amount of medical research...
Speaking of wooing, I'm not sure if I had an actual date or not last week. Long-time acquaintances getting together for dinner does not constitute a date. Besides, from what I know, the only way I could be more of an opposite of what she is looking for in a guy is to actually be a girl. Maybe I'm reading the signals wrong. Or that aren't there at all.
Women are a mystery to me: and I tend to flip to the back. Triple-entendre!
Oh yeah, one more thing: I fully expect that 25% of IT personell in North America will come down with a strange 24-hour bug tomorrow. Myself, I do not carry the correct vector conditions.
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