Monday, September 24, 2007

Monday Wrap-Up

Well, for all and sundry who gave me all the best on my thirty-ninth birthday: thank you. I'm assuming you will be the same group of people participating in the intervention when I have the big four-oh.

The actual day itself was pretty non-descript, L'il Bro' B took me out for lunch (L'il Bro G was working) and that's about all the festivities (which I do not mind at all). Mind you it was a mind-blowing, belly-busting season premier of Family Guy. So that made my day. That an a l'il something that gets tossed out of the InterTubes once in a while. Sometimes the universe is a benevolent place.

I hate it when I think "hey I should blog that!" all day then sit in front of the keyboard and totally space.

Oh yeah!

Okay, have I ever introduced the "Moby Break-Up Recovery Calculator"? It gives an indication on how long it should take to recover from a break-up and be ready to "get back on the horse".

  1. Take the duration of the relationship in the largest whole units (day, week, month, year)
  2. Double the numerical amount
  3. Decrement the unit of measurement (years become months, month become weeks, weeks become days).
  4. The result is the approximate 'recovery time'.

Note that this does not produce a linear result. A year becomes two months but six months becomes twelve weeks (about three months).

One note on the original "duration". While the start of a relationship can be readily identified, the "end" depends not just on the date of a formal sundering, but when "emotionally" you were no longer together.

Just a little nonsensical measurement. I'm a geek after all.

Lessee, what else...

Oh yeah. NaNoWriMo is of course coming up in November. Considering last year's debacle, I'm wondering if I should try it again (without moving or wooing a member of the opposite sex this time). I'm inclined to do an informal attempt at it using my previously aborted start (which disqualifies me from the actual contest). Alternately I could start my Zombie novel but that requires a considerable amount of medical research...

Speaking of wooing, I'm not sure if I had an actual date or not last week. Long-time acquaintances getting together for dinner does not constitute a date. Besides, from what I know, the only way I could be more of an opposite of what she is looking for in a guy is to actually be a girl. Maybe I'm reading the signals wrong. Or that aren't there at all.

Women are a mystery to me: and I tend to flip to the back. Triple-entendre!

Oh yeah, one more thing: I fully expect that 25% of IT personell in North America will come down with a strange 24-hour bug tomorrow. Myself, I do not carry the correct vector conditions.

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