Sunday, September 02, 2007

Fortress of Solitude

Yessir, the FoS is shaping up okay. I have the bathroom, kitchen and most of my room set up: now it's just about arranging furniture and storing Lego.

There's a couple of little idiosyncrasies of course.

First there's the bathroom: I can see the bottom of my chin in the mirror, but nothing further up. Which is probably a good idea first thing in the morning.

Second: I have no idea where to put my garbage.

Third, the dishwasher, which you have to lug into position and attach to the kitchen tap, doesn't attach to the kitchen tap.

Laminate floor also hurts your feet when you walk on it after a while.

But all in all, its pretty good. I'm going to like it here. As soon as I can get rid of the garbage...

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