Monday, May 29, 2006

Back Again

So I go into work this morning and the first thing I hear before I even turn on my computer is that my project got cancelled. Again.

I'm never sure if that's a good or a bad thing. It does mean I was bored though.

And I was past the livid rage stage in the non-smoking progression. It ,will be back though. I was in an almost Nirvanic (is that a word?) state: I would stop in the middle of a sentence, would forget what the heck I was doing in the middle of a task. All with a blissful grin on my face.

Of course, that may have been brought about due to lack of sleep last night. I was still on 'holiday time', where I don't go to bed before 1am.

It was tough not smoking, so tough that I had one after work (dammit!). Ah well, I'm glad it was just one. And that was due to an issue that I had resolved, passed along to those whose responsibility it was in the first place, and it wound up back at me. Louisville time.

And the internet dating thing. Well, lets just put it this way. There's a pattern that emerges, those that I contact ignore me, and the few who make first contact, I have no interest in.

Mind you, I wound up being geek-in-shining-armor yesterday for someone who wanted to know if their ex-bf got ahold of their password. After the crisis had passed, we had an email conversation over the course of 4 hours. Naturally, she lives on the other side of the country....

I swear to gods, there a screenplay, tentatively titled "Geek mating Rituals" in all of this.

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