Saturday, May 20, 2006

Project: Stop Smoking

Yes, yes, cryin' wolf and all that. But the plan for this week is to stop smoking. The morning cough is getting a bit worrisome, not to mention I need to save money to cover my rent hikes.....

I did manage to cut down to just over half-a-pack a day. So Monday, I'm going to go smoke free. For those who have not quit smoking (or never started) this is tough. There's actually three addictions to quit.


This is the bio-chemical addition, and is actually the easiest to take care of (although it has the most obvious effects). For that, I have nicotine gum, 4mg of niccy goodness per piece. Take as needed.

I still also have the patches from new-years, although that will be a last resort. I get nasty reactions to then, not to mention the aches and pains. Mind you, the dreams you have on these things rock!

Oral and Digital Fixation

No, not speaking too much and playing video games. It's the habit of something to put in your month and fiddle with. Okay, this subject is leaving me vulnerable to many, many single-entendres.

Regardless, it's still an issue. So for that, I have licorice root and will be buying many, many lolipops. Besides, with the new 'do, I can be all Kojak. Who loves ya, baby? Only problem with the licorice root is the slivers in the lips. On the bright side, it is a mild stimulant.

Time-Based Habit

One of the keys to breaking the habit is to deal with the 'regular times' you smoke. For me, that's when I'm stressed, after I have a meal, play video games and driving.

So with the week off, my stress factor will be greatly reduced (although the boredom thing escalates a tad). Meals actually are easy: constant eating. So I'm getting plenty of snacks. And steak. And beef jerky, peanuts, carrots, crystallized ginger. Oh, and beer.

Video games will be difficult. But as long as I have all the other stuff around I should be okay. Driving on the other hand will be tough. Not sure how I'll handle that.

So I am going smoke-free on Monday. Looking forward to it. Really. If I can stay clean through to Wednesday, I should be good.

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